I Stole Her Man?!

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Happy last day of 2016. I am ready for this bullshit ass year to be over, so let's leave it out with a bang. FINAL UPLOAD OF 2016 BITCH!

So, there is this girl who is new in my school, let's just call her Sam. So Sam was bad news to me from jumpstart. I never liked how she acted. She just seemed extra to me. So I had a crush on this guy, let's call him Dawson. And this girl, let's call her Carter. She likes him too.So later on, Carter told her squad, including Sam that I was trying to steal her man when I wasn't. So Sam just told me in my face that she didn't like me in front of everyone because she said I steal people man and I am a thot. And me being the sensitive Pieces I am, got my feelings hurt. Do after she said she didn't like me for this that and the third, everytime she see me, she gives me this nasty look.Should confront her, or should I just keep quiet?

Ok first of all, how old are you? What grade are you in? This sounds like some petty ass middle school drama tbh no shade. Like the way how this whole shit happened sounds like some bitch ass 13 and 14 year old girls. This could apply to high school, but to me it sounds more like middle school. 

Honestly, it's stupid how this whole thing is over a boy. Y'all already know how I feel about shit like this. He might be hotshit.com in your eyes bc you got a lil ass crush on him, but trust me, he ain't worth beefing over. Even tho this whole thing is not his fault.

But bitches like Carter is the type of females I fucking hate. We all know petty ass bitches like this who just hate, talk shit and spread lies. Bitches like her just do too much. Why is it so hard for females to be humble and not make every fucking thing a competition? Why?

I feel like this: fuck Carter. She's a hating ass bitch. Period. Pisces or not, man up. Fuck her. She's jealous and she's mad. Stunt on that hoe. Fuck her and her attitude. She can look at you all types of crazy she wants. But the minute she gets out of line, you better 


Ok there's other ways to solve a problem than to fight. Plus you don't wanna waste time on a bitch that ain't worth it. Just in case she puts her hands on you and start acting like a fool, treat her like a fool. 

Don't confront her. Stunt on her ass. But not involving the boy. He ain't worth it. Plus once he realizes y'all beefing bc of him, he gon start feeling himself and show his ass. He's gonna like a fuckboy. Like he got all the pimp juice in the world. 

Fuck all three of them. Focus on yourself. Forget these crusty ass boys and hating ass females. Handle your business and keep yourself in check bc that's all that matters to you. Well it should anyway. Plus how you gonna steal a man that doesn't even belong to anyone? Like what?

How would you guys react? What would you do? Isn't this the most pettiest, stupidest shit ever? Doesn't shit like this make you hate females and they hating asses? Leave some comments below. 

Girl, What Happened?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt