Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cole POV

I got in my car with Dana and Gabe as we were heading to managements office for a meeting.

"I feel bad that we are done with IM5, but we knew we weren't going to be around much longer," Dana said from the backseat of my car.

"I know, we never even got finally Fuego out," I said as I started driving.

"But we did get to go to London for our final show," Gabe said reminding us.

"Yeah, that was so much fun!" Dana yelled. A few minutes later we pulled up to the building. We got out and went right into the room.

Jill came in behind us, with three other guys.

"Take a seat guys," she said to David, Will and Dalton.

"Hey guys!" Will yelled running over to us giving us hugs, David came over as well as we all hugged him. Dalton just went and sat down.

"Hey man, long time no see," I said after I hugged Will and David. I went over to him.

"Yeah, you're not still mad at me are you?" Dalton asked me.

"No, it was your decision and we respected that," I said sitting down beside him.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Okay, boys the reason I called you all in here is because there is a fanfic out there that they want to be turned into a movie," Jill told us.

"Okay?" Dana asked not understanding what was going on.

"You boys have the lead, well, Cole, Dana and Gabe, but the other boys are in it as well, it's called Reunited and Love, now I can't say much about the script because she wanted to tell you all the info," Jill said.

"Okay, is she coming to us or are we going to her?" Gabe asked.

"You boys will be going to her, her name is Liv Stevenson, she's LIVSTEVENSON2 on Twitter, so follow her," Jill said. Dana got on his phone and typed her name in.

"Liv Stevenson? I'm already following her," Dana said.

"Then you can tweet her," Jill said to him.

"When are we going down to meet her?" I asked.

"Where does she live?" Will asked.

"Wait isn't her name Liv?" David asked.

"Boys! Listen! You are going to Pittsburgh-"

"MY HOMETOWN?!" Dana yelled interrupting Jill. Jill gave him a look for interrupting her.

"Yes Dana, that's where she wants to meet you guys," she said narrowing her eyes at him. "You all need to be there by Saturday, so you have 3 days to get over there," Jill said. "She's also gonna pick you guys up at the airport, and go that way, you're hotels have been booked, you're gonna be there for a about 2 weeks then you all are coming back here to start working of the movie," Jill said as her phone went off with a text or something. She looked down then replied to the message.

"Is that her now?" Dana asked. Jill gave him another look. Dana backed away.

"So is she gonna stay with one of us then?" Dalton asked nervously. I don't why he seemed nervous. Maybe it was because he hasn't seen Dana, Gabe or myself in so long.

"Yes, most likely she's gonna stay with Dana," Jill said putting her phone down.

"Sweet!" Dana yelled spinning around in the chair. You'd think he's 18, but really he's like 8 in an 18 year old body.

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