Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Cole let the guys of IM5 stay overnight because they haven't had a 'Guys Night' in forever. I was sitting on the couch on my phone looking though Instagram.

"Liv can we talk to you upstairs please?" David asked as Dalton, Dana, Gabe and Kyle came over to me.

"Sure," I said as I locked my phone. We went up stairs into Cole's room. I took a seat on his bed. "What's up?" I asked.

"David told us, but we all knew already that you like Cole," Dana said. I narrowed my eyes at David then sighed.

"I'm sorry," I said looking down.

"Don't be, we're gonna help you," Gabe said as he sat down beside me and put an arm around me.

"Help me, why?" I asked looking at them all.

"Liv we've only known you for like a month,   and we've learned a lot from you, like you're very quiet when you meet someone for the first time then you open up pretty fast, but with us, was different," Dana said. I ran my hand though my hair.

"That's because I know how goofy you are though you're UStreams, interviews, songs, tweets, pics, ect." I said to them.

"That's why we're gonna help you," Dalton said coming to the other side of me.

"Wait why isn't Will here?" I asked finally noticing he wasn't here.

"He can't keep a secret," David said to me. I nodded my head.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"You and David are going to fake date around Cole," Dana said as he went over to David.

"What are we trying to get Cole jealous?" I asked as I laughed at the end.

"Yes, he will see that you are better for him," Kyle said coming towards me.

"What's wrong about Brooke?" I asked.

"She lied to Cole, she broke up with her ex to be with Cole," Kyle said.

"What!" I yelled. Dana through his hand over my mouth.

"Shhhhh." Dalton said. I stuck my tongue out and licked Dana's hand.

"Ewwww! That's gross!" Dana yelled as he ran into the bathroom.

"Then don't put your hand there!" I said to him.

"So are you okay with fake dating David?" Gabe asked me.  I looked over at David.

"Yeah, but can he still ask me though?" I asked. David came over to me and took my hand.

"Liv will you be my fake girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes, David, I'll be your fake girlfriend," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, so we will head down, you two come down in a little bit and make sure you run into Cole," Kyle said getting up from the chair he was sitting on.

"You can do this guys," Dana said as he headed out the door. Gabe, and Kyle followed him. Dalton came over to us.

"Liv can I speak to you in private?" He asked. I nodded my head.

David got up. "I'll go use the bathroom," he said as he got up and left the room. Dalton went and took his seat next to me on the bed.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I know of the situation, and I've read your whole book, and I love it, I've been stalking you on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, I'm sorry for that by the way. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I really like you," Dalton said. My eyes went wide.

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