Chapter 13 - My Bestfriend

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She walked out from the coffee shop without even looking back at him. She had enough for that day and she definitely need to get home.

“Bes, where are you…let’s go home now.” I called Ros.

“Are you done talking with him…? Ok, just wait for us, I just need to pay for SM toys. We’ll be there in a minute.”

Minutes after they are on their way back to their house which is unluckily located near Sungmin’s agency. Before she decided to accept her friend offer to work in Seoul, she thought it a thousand times the possibility that she and Sungmin might see each other knowing that they are going to leave in one country but never in her wildest dream did it occur that the place of her friend is only few blocks away from Sungmin’s agency and she knew it only a month after she came. She also thought that maybe Sungmin will not recognized her since it was almost 4 years ago but unfortunately her guardian angels tricked her. Now she need to face and settle it. She didn’t prepare to happen it this soon but she doesn’t have any choice, does she?

As we entered the house, I just tucked my son into his bed. Maybe he is so tired that he fell asleep on our way. I am glad that my son is a fast sleeper unlike with other children that you need at least thirty minutes before they will sleep. I went back to the living room where my friend is waiting for me. I throw myself on the sofa. I feel so drained, mentally, physically and emotionally.

“Bes, did it really happen?” I’m lying and staring at the ceiling rewinding what really happened back there.

“hhhmmm…I’m afraid, yes!. Care to tell me everything?” my friend asked me, as I look at her I never thought that she’s looking at me intensely as if she can dig something inside me by just staring.

“I’m sorry if I never told you about this. I never thought that it will happen this soon. Somehow, I feel happy seeing him again, but I cannot deny also that I hate him so much, for leaving me without even saying a word, for making me feel that I’m kind a slut. After that incident, I never felt good towards myself again. I lost my confidence and my old self. Haizt…If life is a little bit kind to me…” I said almost to my self only. I’m thankful to my friend coz she never forced me to tell her everything after she learned that I’m a single mother, but today I think she deserves to know everything. I never heard her say anything so I keep on talking.

“We met when I had my first vacation after two years, it was I think a love at first sight co’z the moment we saw each other that day we are inseparable. We talked until the sun set off to the horizon had a romantic dinner and had an action-packed with some besotted foreigners and we did something that we shouldn’t have done. When I woke up that morning I thought it was all dream co’z I’m all alone in my room until I saw the red stain and this ring on my finger. I don’t know what to think that day, I went to check his room but the bellboy told me that the occupant checked out thirty minutes ago. I’m not in my senses when I went back to my cousin house. My parents arrived also a day after that and I acted as if nothing happened but deep inside me I’m fainting. Me and parents went back home together and after 3 weeks I learned that I’m pregnant. I told my parents and I couldn’t work again to KSA. At first, they are angry but eventually they accept it and I am blessed that I have them as my parents that despite of my stupidity they stayed at me through out. I went back to KSA to process my papers for resignation and then I stayed home, helping them with our business, until I received a call from you. At first, I’m hesitant to accept your offer but I’m thinking about our plan before and now I don’t know how to feel. Should I be happy or should I be scared again?” I said and I couldn’t help myself to cry while remembering those days.

“ did you know from the start that he is Lee Sungmin of Super Junior?”

“Nope, co’z he told me a different name, though he looked very familiar when I first saw him but one morning I saw him wearing a pink short, I checked through the internet and I found out that he is actually the member of the Super Junior. Of course, I’m very happy after knowing that, you know me...I’m literally over gaga to him, so I didn’t do some thinking that day.”

“What he said to you today?”

“aahhmm…He said…? Nothing and then I walked out, but I told him about SM and it’s up to him what he will do about it. I don’t want to oblige him but I’m thinking SM, my son is growing up though he has my parents but he still needs his father. Sometimes I saw him longingly looking to some kids playing with their father that’s why I never hesitated to tell Sungmin about him. If he doesn’t want to acknowledge SM as his child, maybe he is not after all worth to be the father of my son, in the first place he left me and forget me from that day. ”

“Whoa! Really? Aren’t you scared that they might do everything on their power to keep SM here and never let him back to the Philippines?

Now I never thought about it! What if something like that will happen? What was I thinking back there? Did I tell him that because I want him to acknowledge my son or I’m hoping for something else between us?

“Huh?! Bes, honestly I didn’t think that he will do that…” suddenly I feel scared.

“I don’t know…maybe we should go home. Anyway, I’m allowed to have a vacation right?”

“Yah! Ruaina..are you that coward? Tsk..tsk…you are not like that chingu. If they will do it then stand up with them. Running away will not do any good for you especially to SM, and you cannot hide from him forever. Let’s hope that they will not do it. Anyway, he’s family is one of the respectable names here.”

“I hope so…” trying to console myself from being paranoid.

“Let’s have a dinner it’s getting late, and please relax…we’ll deal this together. I will try to talk to him about this thing. If I need to talk to his parents I will. So, don’t worry.”

Now, she sounds as if she knew them that well. Up to now, she never told me why she end up here. Does being a kpop fan really that important for her to live here all alone?

“Ahhmm…bes, is there something I should know? How come you know Sungmin? Why I have this feeling that you know him beyond being a fan and an idol? Honestly, I’m starting to feel uneasy knowing that you know him personally.” I said while we are eating our late dinner. Since we don’t have time to cook she managed to buy from restaurants for our dinner. Kimchi, chapchae, galbi jim, spicy beef soup and of course rice. She really knows me that if I’m troubled I ate a lot.

“aahh, that?! It so happen that I’m working with them. Actually, not with them personally. Don’t worry, it’s not what you think it is. Hehehe…and don’t bother to think that I like your “Pink Guy”. Tadjungi…I will tell you everything." she said to me while grinning.


“aahhhmm…bes, I think Charlie will come home 2 months from now and I need to go back to the Philippines.” She said without looking at me. I can sense that she’s troubled but I never asked her about it. Charlie is her fiancé which is currently working in Belgium.

“So you’re going to do it? Don’t forget SM into your entourage, ok?”

She just smiled at me and I feel it so strange. Usually she is so bubble but today she barely talked. After we done she went directly to her room while I checked SM on his room. He’s sleeping soundly. Looking at my son, all those hardship I’ve been through was worth it after having him.

“Good Night baby…I love you. Soon you will know your daddy…” I kissed him and adjusted his blanket. I smiled as I saw him hugging the pink bear.

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