Chapter 20 - with SUJU

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Since the winter season is coming the weather is a little bit cooler and I’m glad that Sungmin is here to give the warmest jacket I ever wanted.

He’s still hugging me from back as he hum a song (Marry U) while we are enjoying the starry night beauty of the Seoul.

“Hon…?” he huskily asked.

“Hmmm…?” I replied as I closed my eyes. 

“What's your duty schedule this coming friday?”

“I think, morning. From 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. Why…?”

“D..d… you want to come with us to Japan?” he hesitantly asked.

“Oh, chincha…?! Wei…?” then I turned to face him almost hitting his lips with mine. Now, I can smell his breath. Waahhh! Was this a wrong move or the best move? “that will be your Tokyo Dome Super Show?” I said with big eyes then I move my hand to clasp his neck coz it will be awkward if I will let my hands stayed at my side while him clasping my waist, right? I’m smiling but deep inside me I’m turning into a jelly-o. Then I heard him groan…

“Huh…gwenchana…? Are you hurt?” I worriedly asked him.

“Hahaha…anyah…!” he said while smiling then kissed me at my forehead. “So…will you come? I will arrange someone to fetch you up from work to the airport. SM will come also we will arrange his paper. Please…” he pleads with his aegyo. Twinkling his eyes and pouting his so damn sexy lips. So can still I refuse? Absolutely NO!

“Hahaha…Ok…you win! What time the concert will start?”

“At exactly 8:00 pm, and it’s a three-hour straight show. Don’t worry anything just bring yourself, be beautiful and be you and let me worry everything…hmmm…?” he said grinning attempting to kiss me.


“aaaiiissshhh…chincha! Hanggang dito ba naman sa Korea?!” I blurted out.

“Hahaha…koktchongma, that’s SUJU.” He said without lifting his gaze at me.

“Hyung…Eeeeiii…?!” teasingly shouted by Ryewook and Kyuhyun.

“Mommmyyy….! Daddddyyyy….!”

“oh…? SM…?” we said in unison as we turned on their way.

…and there they a runway…hahaha, the restaurant should have put a red carpet for these guys.

“I thought they are at your dorm…? What happened?” I confusingly asked Sungmin but based on his expression he’s confused just like me.

“Daddyyy….daddyy…?! wiggled by SM whose riding at Kangin’s shoulder.

“ohhh..cha..chakaman…” frantically said by Kangin to SM who lightens up his face as he saw us. Then Kangin put him down and  he run towards us.

“Mom…? Daddy…?” he stared us alternately with a big smile. Sungmin grab him and hug him tightly.

“hi, kiddo…how are you? We meet again…? I’m Sungminssi…” Sungmin said as he ruffled his hair and extended his hand for a hand shake, which SM didn’t accept instead he give him a hug.

“No…your my DADDY, mom told me yesterday. Dad…?” then SM again hug his dad tightly and give him a soundly kiss which everyone burst into laughter.

“hahaha…the kiss he give to his dad and to us is the same, so therefore I can conclude that we are all his daddy! Yehey…!” exclaimed by Leeteuk

“Yehey…clap…clap..clap…!” chorus by everyone.

Tonight is the best thing that ever happened in my entire life! I am so happy and contended that I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you lord for this blessings and thank you for giving me those hardships, now I understand why you’d let me experienced those horrible things. I silently cried as I continue to watch the SUJU and my son. Sungmin grab my hand and hug me and SM then he planted a soft kiss on my lips.

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