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"K-KEVIN!! D-DOUBLE D!! C-CAN YOU COME TO THE LIVING ROOM NOW!" Kevin's mom screams with her voice shaking nervously. The boys both enter the room and his mom's eyes are glued to the t.v.

"In tonight's news there was a house fire in lemonbrook. The remains of Professor Elizabeth Vincent were found within in the remains of the house. It is assumed that the fire was accidental started by an electrical fire. Their son Eddward Vincent was found outside on the front lawn and taken to a local hospital for several injuries and smoke inhalation. The location of Professor Jack Vincent and their other son bearing the same name as his twin, Eddward Vincent, is still unknown."  A picture is shown of Elizabeth followed by a photo of Jack and lastly a photo of Eddward.

"M-M-M-M-M-MO-" is all Double D can say before he starts screaming and hysterically crying as he falls to the floor. "I'm going to go make a few calls for information Kevin, keep an eye on him!" The woman says frantically while heading to the kitchen where the house phone is. "Double D come on dude snap out of it...that wasn't your moth...." Finally the gears start to turn in Kevin's head and he realizes something  "y-you're not the Double D I grew up with...are you?" The redhead says but it's no use the boy just keeps screaming and crying hysterically. The ginger does the only thing proven to calm double D down, he holds him. "Mother!"The boy screams over and over as Kevin tightens his grip around the fragile boy. "Double D..." The readhead says feeling so hopeless as the boy in his arms just continues screaming and crying while shaking. "Ma he's not calming down I-I don't know what to do!" The redhead yells and his mother comes back into the living room still searching for answers. "Just keep holding hi-" she is cut off by double D throwing himself at her and hugging her tightly while his screaming begins to quiet and turns into just shaking and crying until eventually he tired himself out and falls to the floor and falls asleep.

Double D wakes up in his bedroom tucked in nicely with Kevin next to his bed fast asleep in a desk chair. All the energy feels like it's been drained from his body. Kevin wakes up at the sounds of double D whimpering. "Hey man, come on." The ginger says reaching out his hand and gently stroking the boys cheek. "I-I didn't know...he just said to switch...I didn't know I had a twin .. I didn't know he was my twin...I didn't know anything at all literally about anything...I-I was in that lab for literally my whole life until six months ago! N-now my mother is...." He beings to cry again. Kevin's eyes widen at all this stuff double D is confessing. "Woah hold on man, you mean you...never had been outside or anything before you found your way here?" The redhead asks and double D falls silent. "I'm s-sorry Kevin..." The boy looks up to the ginger with tears in his eyes and Kevin just hugs him and says "It's okay this changes nothing." Double D keeps whimpering for what feels like hours until he finally decides to speak again. "I want to see my twin Eddward...I want some answers." He says this and Kevin instantly frowns. "Is that a good idea?"
"I need answers." The tone in double D's voice is lightly laced with malice.

The next day Kevin's mom finally got the location of double D's twin in the hospital and they head there. Double D requests to go in alone and after a lot of hesitation Mrs. Barr agrees. Eddward is in the I.C.U. But he is awake and double D walks in. "Hello..." Double D says trying to hold back tears. "Hello brother.." Eddward says weakly still having trouble from the smoke inhalation. "I want some answers." Double D demanded. "And you shall receive them, but not here."
"No you will give me answers now!" Double D says with an angry shout. "No brother you don't understand, it's not safe here." He says motioning his head to a nurse waking by pushing a cart he knows under the cart is a mic or a camera. "Jack wants to keep an eye on us. He anticipated this....the only thing he didn't anticipate is our switch which is why he is upping his game by keeping spies on us. But he won't make his move yet I know he wants us to suffer, especially you. Which is why I switched. Let me ask you... Did you have any idea what experiment F was or what all those injections you went through daily were for?" He asks and double D shakes his head no. Another nurse walks by Eddward frowns knowing Jack knows their every step before they take it. "H-how do you know this?" Double D questions. "Because while you were with him for all those years I was watching, waiting for him to slip up. I had him...BUT HE GOT AWAY HE KILLED OUR MOTHER IN FRONT OF ME, HE TORTURED YOU, HE...." Eddward's  heart monitor starts going haywire as he begins to scream. Nurses rush in and double D is forced out.

Double D tries to wait for approval to walk back into Eddwards room But this never happens and visiting hours end. Double D walks down to the cafeteria for a moment to grab a soda to bring home and a male nurse walks by and bumps into double D "oh I'm sor-" he begins to apologize but all sudden no one is there. He is suddenly overcome by fear.


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