Is blood thicker than water?

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Trigger warning: more torture!

Kevin wakes up in excruciating pain as he stupidly tries to move his very broken leg. Jack comes in the room. "Goodmorning Lab Rat." Jack says with a menacing smile. The redhead instantly grits his teeth at the pain shooting up his leg. Jack for some reason though has bandages and rubbing alcohol with him, that shit is going to burn like a mother fucker and the ginger knows it but at least it will be clean. Without any words, just a smile plastered on his face, he turns Kevin so that his wound is facing up and he dumps the rubbing alcohol into the open wound. The Redhead thrashes around in pain with a loud blood curdling scream. Jack bandages the wound crudely, even though he was trained in the medical field along with science. He then turns the ginger back over and straps him back down before allowing him to go to sleep. Kevin foolish falls for the obvious false sense of security and is woken up in another harsh manor. Jack takes a toothpick and shoves it in deeply underneath the ginger's big toenail. He jolts awake again feeling the sharp end of the toothpick glide into the skin underneath the nail. "What the FUCK!" The redhead screams in pain. Jack then doesn't say a word before inserting toothpicks underneath every toe, including his still very broken pinky toe. Jack gives this toe a little wiggle causing Kevin to scream out in pain once more.

Mark comes into the room where Jack is torturing Kevin still and he smiles widely seeing how much damage has been caused to the redhead. He has an obvious broken leg and toe, multiple wounds from Jack and himself crudely jabbing needles into the poor ginger, toothpicks sticking out of all his toes and of course multiple bruises. "Jack would you mind if I took over for a moment?" Mark asks his brother and Jack smiles and steps aside. Panic fills the redhead's eyes as he violently thrashes around in an attempt to free himself from the restraints and Mark can't help but to laugh. "Oh you poor little thing..." He says grabbing Kevin's wrist and twisting it until he hears a snap and a scream. "It seems to be you're in a lot of pain...." Mark says grinning grabbing the thumb of the same hand and jerking it backwards. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" The ginger screams in pain. "Because I can." Mark replies. Kevin sticks his middle finger up and Mark grabs it and snaps it. Another loud scream in pain. "Worth it." The ginger says as tears fill his eyes in pain and his vision fades and he slips into unconsciousness from the pain, lack of sleep, and lack of food. Mark smiles and cannot wait to think of a new way to wake the redhead up.

Double D and Eddward are on their way to save Kevin and Eddward speeds down the streets as they approach closer to the building where poor Kevin is getting tortured and has been getting tortured for five whole days now. Double D securely hides the gun that his twin gave him back at the house and he hopes he will be using this same gun to take the two who took his boyfriend down. They pull up to the building and Eddward turns to his twin. "Now brother, I know you want to just rush in but I have a plan set in motion to safely get Kevin out and to take out Jack and Mark both." He says this as Mark and Jack both watch the boys talk outside. They smile knowing they have the upper hand. As they are planning things out Double D looks over at Eddward and he can't help but notice how pale his twin is turning. He notices he is sweating as well and he then remembers he currently has Jack's failing organs. He knows they need to quickly finish this and end the lives of the men who raised them. He also knows he may end up having to be the one to do everything.

They predictably bust into the building together and when the men hear the boys bust in they break out laughing as they both grab one of the boys. Jack grabs Double D and Mark grabs Eddward. "Well isn't this quite the family reunion." Mark says grinning holding Eddward tightly. He goes to speak again however the way he is holding his 'son' was foolish considering Eddward is shorter and comes right underneath his chin. Right away Eddward uses his head, literally, and jumps up. This causes Mark to bite his own tongue sharply and he lets out a pained scream of his own, releasing Eddward. Double D thinks quick also and stomps harshly on Jack's foot before then kicking his leg back hitting Jack in the shin. The sharp pain from the surprisingly hard kick causes Jack to release Double D as well. Double D isn't finished however especially when he catches what they did to his boyfriend in the corner of his eye. "YOU ASSHOLE!" He screams rushing at Jack and punching him in that goddamn smug face of his. The force from his punch causes Jack's head to snap back. Jack begins to laugh hysterically. Double D pulls out his gun and shoots Jack immediately in the chest and the man falls to the ground, almost too easily.

Eddward then jumps at the man who raised him and his wrist is caught and moved to behind his back as he grabs the other wrist of his 'son'. Mark then pulls out his own gun. "Well well then I'm going to give you a little choice boy....I will spare your twins life if I can kill that redhead over there." Mark says with a grin as blood still dribbles out his mouth. Double D notices Mark has Eddward in a much more secure position this time. He looks between the only two people he cares about. He knows he has to choose.

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