Safe place.

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Double D is woken up in the middle of the night by someone lightly shaking him. "D, come on wake up!" A hushed voice says and double D opens his eyes and immediately jumps up. It's Kevin and double D is worried that this is a dream so he slaps himself. The redhead frowns and grabs the boys hand. "Come on double D we are getting out of here." Kevin then disconnects double D from his IV and heart monitor and grabs a small duffle bag and throws the boy over his shoulder and begins to run out the hospital. "K-Kevin where are we going? What's going on? Where were you!"  The redhead then makes a shh sound and continues running until they are long gone from the hospital.

Kevin sets down double D and places him on the back of his motorcycle and doesn't say a word but double D doesn't care anymore he's willing to go anywhere with the redhead. Hours pass on the road and double D holds on to Kevin tightly as the speed down the highway finally Kevin pulls into a motel parking lot and double D speaks first. "Kevin? What's going on why are we here?" He says this and is instantly pulled into a hug. "I wanted to keep you safe...I-I" he begins to cry and double D comforts him for once. Kevin then ends the hug and looks double D deep into his deep blue eyes. "I figured out a way to keep you safe, you and I will be together and keep on the run until Jack is gone. Eddward set this up and he kept you thinking that you and him would leave so that Jack would think that you were going with him instead coming with me. D, we can be together...I want to be with you because..." There is a pause and Kevin turns a deep shade of red. "....I-I am in love with you. I have been from the moment you came to peach creek. I love you double D I really really do." The redhead finishes his confession and pulls double D in for a long romantic kiss. They break apart slowly and look at each other. "I-I love you too Kevin, I have since the moment I saw you also." They kiss again and fall onto the bed and when the break the kiss again they look at eachother and smile.

That night double D has his second peaceful night of sleep in his new lovers arms. Things are finally looking up, even if Jack is still around. For once double D can feel happiness.

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