Chapter 14

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Today was a very special day for (y/n). It was her birthday. It was the day where she turns a year older and the best part about her birthday, is the part that she was going to spend it with Kaneki. She was very devastated that she wasn't able to spend his special day with him, so they were going to spend her birthday together. 

This was her first time celebrating her birthday with her boyfriend. Her very first boyfriend to be exact. A month before her birthday, they had a little discussion about her birthday. He told her that he was going to make her day the best day ever and make her fall more in love with him then she all ready was.

Maybe he was going to take her out to all of the places they went to on their first date. Revisit the love that had bloomed that day. Perhaps they could reenact their first kiss. How sweet and meaningful it was. The way how gentle Kaneki was with her. Showed her how much respect he had for her. He wasn't rough at all. He wanted to be soft and sweet with his girlfriend to show all of his love that was brewing inside of him. 

That would be the best and most romantic birthday. (y/n) remembered when (best friend's name) spent her entire birthday with her. If she remembered clearly, they were riding through a museum on a horse while carrying a bucket of snails. Then they were sleeping in an ice cream shop with her in the bathroom with ice cream all over her and her best friend naked on the counter. She had no idea how that happened, but it just did.

(y/n) was sure that he had the perfect day planned for the both of them. 

But there was only one problem: Kaneki has been training all day. The moment he woke up, he grabbed his fighting lessons book and went downstairs to train. That was where he has been all day long. At first, she thought that he was setting things up for a surprise birthday party, but when she snuck down there to see if he was, the man was actually training. 

Beads of sweat were flying everywhere and when one landed on her, she freaked out and made herself noticed. He offered her to stay and watch, but she had to get hand-sanitizer to clean her arm. 

There was little disappointment in the female, but then something came into her mind. What if he knew that she was going to check on him secretly if he was setting up her birthday decorations, so he was pretending to train all morning to work up a sweat and have that one specific bead of sweat land on her, so she would freak out and make herself appear; then he would ask her to stay so things would be set up upstairs, but she wouldn't fall for that, so she just headed upstairs and cleaned her arm.

After a few hours had passed, she had Hinami go downstairs to see what Kaneki was doing. She did and told (y/n) that he was still training. Now she was sitting on the couch with Hinami, Banjou and his gang, and surprisingly Tsukiyama. It was seven twenty one and she was eating a huge tube of (favorite ice cream flavor) while muttering a few words under her breath.

"Okay, I don't get. Rachel said that they were on a break, but she's mad at Ross for having sex with that woman. They were on a break, meaning no love interest at all. So why is she mad at him while they were on a break?" Tsukiyama asked.

"Well, maybe it was because Ross was too busy training his ass off, doing nothing on what should be a special day for Rachel. Then he trains the whole fucking day and completely forgets about her birthday, which is why they were on a DAMN BREAK!" (y/n) screeched at the purple haired man as she buried her face into her ice cream, breathing in the sweet treat.

"Um, (y/n)? I think I'm gonna go use the bathroom for a few minutes," Banjou informed her as he was starting to get up off the couch. The distressed female looked up from her ice cream, giving the nervous man a glare.

"Excuse me? You think you're just going to abandon me on my birthday?" she questioned him, danger lacing her tone.

"But I ne-"

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