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I walked slowly back to the cafe, just wanting a hug from Elliott. Then remembering about this party the girls had planned I knew that wouldn't be possible till later this evening.

Just enjoy it and it'll go faster.

Swinging the door open and sighing I was greeted with a loud

"SURPRISE!" from the gang. All smiling away.

"Hey guys," I smiled, closing the door

"Happy 18th birthday Zoey!" They all chorused again in unison.

"Thanks," I laughed a little and joined them in the middle of the room.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the cake sitting behind Kiki on the table.

"Wow Wesley! Are you kidding me?! That's amazing!" And it was truly. A three tiered masterpiece. White icing, with the gang on the levels below, mini - mew and me on the top, lying down and being lazy with '18' in a bubble above. Very amazing.

"Thanks, took me all week! But your worth it Zoey." He smiled.

"I almost don't want to eat it its soo good!" I squealed, looking at it in more detail.

"Well why don't you open presents first and leave it in its masterpiece form a bit longer?" He suggested.

"Ok sure!" I replied pulling a chair to the middle forming a circle with everyone else.

"Open mine first! Open mine first! Open it open it open it!!!" Kiki yelled excitedly, bouncing up and down in her chair.

"Alright then," I laughed a little and pulled her present up from the pile and opened it. "Uh thanks Kiki..." it was round, red and silky. "What is it?"

"It's a ball of ribbon silly! Cause you wear red ribbons and the ball part cause you're a cat!"

"Oh" we all chorused.

"That makes sense. Thanks Kiki." I smiled at her and put the ball down.

"Okay Renee's," I took hers from the pile and opened it. Three signed CDS and poster. "Geez thanks Renee."

She smiled and nodded "happy birthday kid"

I picked up Bridgets from the pile.
"Where to go next? A student edition?" I looked quizzically at Bridget.

"You know as you've finished school, might help you as to where you want to go from here." She smiled

"Right, thanks!" I replied placing it on the floor with the others.

"Here's mine zoey" Corina said passing me her perfectly wrapped gift.

"No way!" I smiled at her "five vouchers for QnD! Seriously thank you! Summer clothes here I come!" She smiled

"Your welcome."

"And here's mine Zoey" Wesley said presenting his.

"Really Wesley the cake was more than enough" he smiled gratefully but insisted I took the gift

"It's from Mini mew too"

I opened it carefully and smiled when I did. It was a scrap book with loads of photos of me and the gang in with some pages left at the back.

"It's perfect thankyou! " I beamed

He laughed a little "you can keep adding to it too"

"Photo time!" Kiki yelled, gathering us all together and taking a photo, several photos. Which she insisted we would stick in. I said maybe.

"Cake now!!" She followed

"Wait I haven't opened Elliotts gift yet." I said hopefully turning to look at him.

"Uh you'll get it later Zoey, it's uh not quite finished yet." He smiled slightly, before going back to his original blank expression face.

"Oh alright."

"So cake!!" Kiki said again pulling on my arm.

"Yeah okay cake." I laughed, glancing over at Elliott as I went and cut the cake.

The party went well. We ate as much cake as we possibly could. Which was quite a lot. And then we all chilled, put some music on, played musical chairs because Kiki insisted. Told some stories and then cleared away. After which everyone left, including Wesley. Which left just me and Elliott.
"So am I going to get my present now?" I asked popping up behind him in the kitchen.

"I thought I said later"

"But this is later"

"Well I mean later than this"

"Ellie! A girl doesn't like to be deprived of her present."

"I get that, I just want to give it to you when it's the right time."

" And the day after my birthday isn't?" I reasoned with him.

"Not quite." He grinned and finished putting away dishes.

"Fine then. But I suppose I should get going."

"If you think I'm going to let you go out in this storm and get a cold Zoey."
"So I'm having a sleep over?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Of sorts."

The loud clap of thunder stopped him answering as I jumped into his arms with my ears and tail popping out. How glad I was that I didn't have to hide this from him.

"Cats don't like storms do they?" He laughed softly.

I shook my head, Elliott being the man that he is smirked and took me up stairs. To his room.

"So we went on one date and we're sharing a bed? Don't you move fast."

"Drastic events call for drastic measures." He gently placed me down on the bed, he tossed me a shirt of his as I didn't have anything else. When he left to go to the bathroom I quickly got changed. And curled up in the bed, purring away senselessly

"Falling asleep fast kitty?" Elliott chuckled, shifting the covers creating a cold draft as he got In.

"You've made it cold." I shivered, my eyes closed.

"Well then I better keep your warm." He said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. Indeed keeping me warm, content I began to purr again. Only to have another clap of thunder make me get closer to Elliott.

"I'll protect you my whole life Zoey."

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