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Such a simple word.

That can come with complex meanings.

For instance: to have a dream in the context of sleeping means to be in a story in your subconscious.

To have dreams can mean to have hopes, to have plans that you want, you dream that they can come true.

Ultimately though, the word means to want something that can never happen.

A sad word.

I always dreamed about falling in love; a handsome man, maybe even a prince, saving me from some peril then riding off into the sunset. What can I say? I am a hopeless romantic.

Completely hopeless.

Mark was that man. He was ideal. Sweet. Charming. Charismatic. The whole deal. Perhaps he was too ideal. And I couldn't exactly talk to him on a daily basis about my work could I?

Elliott on the other hand....


A man of mystery essentially. A softy deep down. (Wayyyyy deep down) a kind and selfless man...yet people were either in love with him or scared of him. I was both. To be fair I did hate him more than I was scared of him: I still am slightly, now I'm scared of upsetting him. That's something I do not want. I would hate. Yet I need to know he is my man. My heart and my head need to be sure.

I think my heart is but my head isn't.

There's that little voice. It nags at me. Flashes Marks picture before my eyes, Elliott appears and it flys away.





"Dreaming kitty?"

I lifted my head to meet his gaze as his figure loomed over my sitting self. A small, sly smile crept over his face briefly before it vanished.

"Thinking more like."

"About what?"


I lied.

"Oh really?" Elliott went about lifting chairs onto tables and placing them upside down - actually working for once. "What are you thinking about them?"

"What their end game is?"

Another lie - although a smaller one, I was interested although the answer was obvious.

"To destroy all mew mews" he said flatly.


I went back to dreaming of a life where I wasn't a mew. Where things were calm and controlled. Not mad and chaotic.

"Although there are others beside you five"

Back to reality.

"What?!" I coughed, clearing my throat of any emotion, a little weaker I spoke again. "There are others? Have you found them?"

He paused a long time before he answered with a slow nod and a "yes"

"There are other mew mews and you have found them?" I asked again, standing and walking towards him, passing him I begun to pace.

"One. I have found one. She's 18 and studying a fine art major..she can mutate into any animal she draws."

"So she could transform into a cat?"


"Or a monkey?"


"Or  wolf"


I hate how blasé he is about things; this is important, very important, why hasn't he told us? Have they met? How did he find her or vice versa? I need to know!

"Stop asking questions Zoey. You are becoming paranoid."

The last of the chairs was turned upside down and Elliott stood with his back to a table, facing me with crossed arms.

"When will we meet her?"

"She's coming by for a trial shift tomorrow."

"And what is her name?" I asked tentively.


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