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"Set her down here" Wesley ordered, as I placed Zoey down on a table.

He looked at her wound and didn't look happy

"She's going to be ok right?" I asked, handing him several needles.

"Of course, now hold her down but keep her consious" he barked as Renee held her arm out. The others where in the kitchen.

I nodded and put all my weight on her "Zoey, " her eyes flickered slightly in my direction "Hey you gotta stay awake now you hear? You can have plenty of sleep later. OK.  But I gotta talk to you.." her eyes drifted away. "No no no. Sleep.  No. OK.  Remember what I said to you last week?"

She mumbled a little and shook as Wesley gave her an injection.

"Hold her!"

I could feel her muscles tensen as I pushed against her more. She wasn't enjoying this.

"I said that you should just sleep at work if your going to be late everyday"

"That's going to keep her awake?" Renee asked loudly

I sighed and thought of what to say.

"That blue knight guy showed up again," she turned her eyes back towards me and opened them a little. "Yeah, he must love you a lot to do all that fighting for you Zo. He could have died from what I saw."

"You saw..." Renee mumbled, helping Wesley stich up Zoeys arm.

"Hey I'm gonna give your present tonight so you gotta stay awake for that"

"She's done. She'll be fine." Wesley told me as I leaned back.

"Hey zoey, your not going to be doing any fighting for a while ok?" He told her.

I sighed a sigh if relief, moved her hair slightly and kissed her quickly. Before remembering that Renee was opposite me.

"Forget what you just saw Roberts."

"Consider it forgotten sir." She smiled and slid out the door.

A little later I was sat in down stairs with Wesley whilst the others where with Zoey in my room.

"that was way too close Elliott."

"she should know Wesley."

"I mean for Zoey. Not for you. A deeper stab, or some where else on her body and our whole team may have gone." He reminded me.

I sighed and stared at the table

"You love her don't you?"

"I love all the team"

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I'll tell her. I don't need a lecture from you."

"Zoey! Are you okay? What happened out there? Did you see the blue knight? Did you see Elliott?!"

"That's your cue to go talk to your kitty Elliott."

"Hmm." I replied, standing up and going to my room.

"Elliott!" They all gasped as I entered.

"This is my room y'know." I raised my eyebrows.

Zoey was lying on my bed, blanket across her, arm lying out. Kikki and Bridget where knelt down at her side, Corina sat on my chair and Renee was stood up. All glaring at me. I don't know why? I hadn't done anything.

"C'mon girls, let's leave these two alone for a while." Renee suggested walking past me, looking at me straight in the eye.

"Get better soon Zo." They chorused as they left, shutting the door behind them.


Now just think how you're going to tell her this. Just four words Elliott.

I sighed sitting beside her,

"Hey Zoey," I smiled slightly, moving the blanket so she was warmer.

She moved a little, just shifting in her sleep.

"So you took quite a beating, rough, you up against the cyniclons by yourself. Impressive. For a cat." I could see a small smile creep onto her face.

"So any way, I just wanted to say i-"

I couldn't say it. The words were there but they wouldn't come out. I couldn't tell her like this, she should be awake at least.

I sighed "get well soon ok?" I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

I left her in peace and walked into the kitchen

"We want answers Mr!" Kiki yelled, the girls forming a semi circle around me.

"What? Kiki could you be quieter"

"Start talking Elliott!" Bridget and Corina nodded, pointing at me.

"Would you stop? The cafe looks like a mess."

"You talk. Then we'll clean" they demanded.

"What do you want?" I huffed as Kiki pushed me into a chair and began to circle me.

"We know you're the blue knight. We want to know why! And therefore you love Zoey and we also want to know..why.."

"What is it with everyone and this blue knight guy. He just sounds like someone who will get in the way." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Exactly what you would say!" Corina smiled

"Would you give it up?" I said standing up and walking to the door.

"You could tell us something Elliott" Renee's voice rang out.

"There's nothing to tell" I replied. Leaving.

Then I heard Wesley.

"Well he didn't deny it."

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