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"B-but that is basically your name!"

"I am aware Kiki."

"How rude of him not to tell us before hand. What are we supposed to do? Float around her? Or intimidate her?"

"Oh I don't think we should go around intimating anyone Corina"

"We attempt to intimidate those Cyniclons Bridget."


We huddled round a table, waiting for the knock at the door the next morning, the handle to turn and a new member of our team to walk in. When Elliott wanted something you couldn't stop him- and it was clear he wanted her.

And a few moments later she arrived.

Blonde and brown dyed hair that flowed to her collar bone, pink trainers and a black bag that could have easily been mine - you're not paranoid Zoey- her smile was dazzling and I had never seen anyone get such a warm greeting from Elliott.
"Chloe! How good of you to come, let me introduce the rest of the team. This is Kiki, Reneé, Bridget, Corina and Zoey. This is Wesley." He smiled, clutching her hand and shaking it.

We all nodded and mumbled our hellos.

"Hi there" she waved enthusiastically before blushing deeply.

"We hope that you'll stick around Clo, the day jobs not bad but the overpay is well worth it" he winked with a laugh.

Did he just.. did Elliott just call her Clo?! Like Zo.

I screamed internally and turned away so only my friends could see my hair turning grey.

"Elliott! You said earlier you had something to show us all?" Bridget asked, breaking up the awful silent.

"Ah. Yes! Wesley if you would,"

The brown haired man smiled and rushed off excitedly, heading into the kitchen before returning with a two tiered cake, gold and bronze dusting.

"This is the newest addition to the stock girls. What do you think?"

"Do we get to try it?" Kiki asked excitedly.

"Of course." He laughed and nodded as Kiki dove in to cut it up into slices, Reneé tentiveky handing a slice to Chloe.

"Do you eat cake all of the time?" She asked.

"Only in moderate amounts" Corina responde, clear to make her aware that some people were health freaks, apparently the best calories to take In are homemade.

"It's chocolate and vanilla sponge with a gold and bronze marzipan and a hint of orange zest throughout." Wesley smiled.

"O-orange?" Chloe croaked as all eyes turned to her as she collapsed to the floor and began to convulse. Immediately Elliott was over her like a wasp, trying to hold her head and keep her conscious. Everyone stared. Elliott was yelling and Wesley went running. I went rummaging. In Chloes bag. Where I found her e-pen. It was snatched from my grasp by the man I supposedly loved, and I barley had time to think before he had thrust it into her thigh and the new mutant was coming to her senses, gazing up at her hero.

Dreams huh.

She was then moved to a chair and everyone suddenly became fascinated by her, all crowding round to hear whatever stories she told. I leant against a wall, in a small huff, enough to bring Elliott over. He didn't apologise as I had hoped.

"Shes great right? A real asset to the team, I was thinking of throwing her into the next fight seeing how she fared. You guys would look after her obviously. She is a new be after all, can't have her dying." His eyes never left her. I glared at him before sighing heavily and storming up to my...His. ..Our. ..room.

Where subsequently I re-enacted the whole scene for myself. Mocking everyone I could before curling up into a ball - helpfully my tail and ears popped out to make me feel more sorry for myself.

My heart is still sure, my head is not. And right now, my head is being incredibly persuasive.

My Blue KnightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora