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"Hey Zoey are you - tail? Really?" Elliott sighed as he came into the room, it sounded as though he was disappointed.

"It just happened." I muttered, trying to curl up more into a ball.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Hiding. Is it not obvious."

"From what?"

Goodness he's a little slow at times.

"Just go away."

"You are in my room so..."

My then. Not ours.

Completely hopeless romantic.

"A-are you jealous?" He scoffed a little.

I slowly began to sit up "of what? How you were acting towards that Chloe person? No! Not in the slightest! Why would I be? I have no reason to be other than the fact I thought I was your girlfriend and you should only be winking at me and smiling at me. There's also the fact you saved her life even though that was me because I got her eppy pen and! You haven't told us how you found her!!"

"So you're angry." His voice dropped, it was softer now, how he spoke when it was only us.

"No. No Elliott...don't.." he had lifted me up onto my feet, his eyes locked onto mine making my heart tremble. I wouldn't let him fix this like that. I needed him to talk.

I did what any self respecting person would do.

Ran away.

Well. I ran down to the cafe. My burning cheeks had begun to go down as I approached the kitchen door. The cafe would still be closed for another twenty minutes and the other mews were finding Chloe an outfit.

"Zoey Hanson." Elliotts voice boomed behind me, I gulped and stopped were I was. Scared of him I did my best not to let my tail pop out again. Slowly I turned towards him as he walked up to me.

"Never leave me again whilst I am trying to kiss you."

My lip quivered as his breath tickled my ear, his breath soon replaced by his kiss.

"I am still angry with you." I managed to say as the kiss broke briefly before Chloe, in her new red outfit, burst through the kitchen doors and made a b-line for Elliott. Thankfully his arms were still attached to my waist so she couldn't grab one.

"Doesn't it suit me?" She twirled enthusiastically, beaming brightly.

"It's certainly....colourful" Elliott replied, searching for a better word.

"We'll be opening soon Chloe. .. go find Bridget and she'll give you instructions."

The new recruit stared at me before glancing back to Elliott, he nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen which she must have taken as a good sign because she ran off with nothing more to say.

"can't we run away now Elliott?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I said wait until this business calms down a little"

"It won't calm down. It will never calm down."

"It will. If we get you to their planet."

I took a step away from him.

"I'm sorry?"

"Zoey if we can get there, we can ruin them and be safe! Live peacefully."

No one lives peacefully.

"It's that why you want to recruit more Mews? So you have an army? Yet you're too scared to fight yourself."

"Zoey. You know why the blue knight doesn't fight."

"I won't have another mew on the team. I won't."



He winced at the word as I pushed past him, into the kitchen, threw off my apron and charged outside.

I can't believe him! I can't believe it. I won't!

Although, it is Elliott. Trying to do the best for everyone in a million and one different ways.

I should have known he would have put everyone else first. He would do anything to help another before himself. Even if that meant risking the life of myself on a whim- which it is, a one way trip to hell most likely- he'll do it because he can see the bigger picture. I only see them frame by frame.

And then there's this chloe. Wow! I hope he fires her. It took long enough before all five of us were working together successfully and I will not have another stranger come along and ruin what we have done! No.

Ah! This death trip they all want to take! How can everyone be okay with that? How?! Why would they all risk that? We all have so much to lose...so much. I don't understand.

"No one does Kid.'

Renee Roberts.

Kid, she's not that much older than me.

"You seemed to have it pretty well figured out." I sighed, glancing up at her from the lovely patch of green grass.

"Yeah well, I trust Elliott and Wesley-"

"You trust them?"

"Don't you? You should."

"I don't trust Elliott."

Did I just say that?


Well then.

Truth will out.

She scoffed loudly, "He's your...your boyfriend right?"


"You kinda should."

"I know!" I sighed "I know! I do!"

She looked at me.

"I do a little...A lot! Maybe."

She continued to look at me funny.

"Well how do you trust him? He kept the dark knight from us and! He suddenly turns up with Chloe. Who, by the way, looks horrible in that uniform. And! We haven't even seen her metamorphosis!"

Renee sighed, she knew I was right.

"I trust Elliott....but yes. There may be things that he could tell us and decided not to. You work on your relationship, we'll work on Chloe."

And with that helpful advice she wandered back inside.

My relationship is fine thank you very much.

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