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I went to the park. I always went to the park to think. Not that really I had anything to think about. I trust Elliott, really I do. But I just don't think he tells the entire truth all the time. He does when he needs to, only this time he probably thought he didn't. I wish he would.

I sighed, gathering my thoughts I was just about to head back inside when I recognised a figure coming towards me.


I wanted to hide. Crawl up into a ball, be back with Elliott and hiding. Because I hate conversations with people you've hurt. And I probably hurt him a bit.

"Hey Zoey," he smiled, his usual handsome figure - shut up.

"H-hi Mark!" I tried to smile back

"Everything okay? You look slight frazzled."

"Oh yeah! Everything's fine, I'm just out here to clear my head...busy week at work"

That's one way to put it.

"Well good! Nice to see you again, I should get going, bye!"

I was relieved it was quick. I waved good-bye and he left.

I trust Elliott.
I trust myself.
I think.


"So uh...can I ask a question?" I sat on a workspace down in the basement, probably completely in the boys way but I didn't really care.

"Sure Zoey." Elliott sighed at Wesley's enthusiasm, a hand slicking back his golden hair.

"Do I live here now?"

Wesley laughed a little and spun back in his chair to face his computer. Leaving room for Elliott to answer.

"Uh....yes?" He said after a while, "I mean only if you want to that is"

"Sure, what crime fighting girl wouldn't want to live in a cafe for the rest of her life.."

"Don't you have college to think about?" Wesley butted in.

"Well yeah, but this kinda took priority. I don't think the Cyniclons would allow me to peacefully go to College. Do you?"

"Point made" he shut up and clicked away at his mouse.

"I have my parents to think about though. I can't just move in. Like that. It's like I'm running away from them."

"are you?"


The room fell silent, I hate it when that happens. My brain goes into overdrive and paranoia takes over.

Was I really running away from my parents? No. Because living at the cafe wouldn't be any different from living at collage. I wouldn't see my parents for ages and I would be working. Essentially it's exactly the same. Minus the aliens and handsome saviours.

Although, upside of moving to collage and not staying here, I wouldn't run the risk of seeing Mark. I'm over him. I've got Elliott. He's what I want. He wants me. Mark didn't understand.

I love Elliott.
He loves me.
Mark - well he just complicates things.

And things are complicated enough.

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