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"Do you really think this is a good idea Elliott?"

"When is anything a good idea.."

Wesley sighed in frustration as I packed. 

"You know I'm all up for you taking a break, when the occasion calls for it-"

"Trust me. It calls for it." I moved clothes from the single wardrobe in my room to a small bag, I couldn't quite believe it. Me, going away, with Zoey. And Wesley is the one trying to stop us?

"You really think so, now? With everything going on? Elliott, think about this. The Cyniclons are being more random and chaotic every attack they make, this trip to their planet is fading quickly into a dream -"

Ignoring him, I closed up the bag and moved towards the door. Only to be stopped by Wesley grabbing my arm. Forcefully, heavily sighing I looked to him. For once, he looked stronger than I did. 

"Wes, let me go. Their attacks are chaotic because they don't have a plan, they don't have a plan because they are weak. They are weak and they will lose." I suddenly noticed how tired I sound. 

"This team will be weaker without Zoey. She will be weaker. Elliott this isn't a good idea."

"Just until this video business dies down alright? We're only going North, not out of the country. Besides, if anything did happen - I doubt we would miss it." I try a slight laugh but it was laboured and doesn't break the ice that has suddenly formed between the two of us. We're friends. Why do I feel like I could punch him.


"And just what are we supposed to do while you're away Zo?" 

The level of anxiety in Corina's voice stuns me for a moment, is she really that afraid of having to do work? But I laugh a little and smile as I stand by the door with my bags. Waiting for Elliott to come down the stairs. I hadn't expected him to be ready to leave so quickly, a day maybe, perhaps even waiting till the next day. Not that evening. I can't exactly say it lowers the level of my excitement - because I am very, very, excited, but perhaps it worries me a little. What is he running away from? It definitely feels as though he is running.

But grabbing my hand as he does. 

"There is a business to run Corina, surprisingly they don't do it by themselves." Wesley's light hearted tone answered her before I could, and seeing Elliott follow him down the stairs made me smile even more. A goofy grin that melted into blushing cheeks as Elliotts gaze met mine. He looked weary. When he reached me by the door I went to squeeze his hand for comfort but he picked my bag up in his free hand and headed out the door. 

My smile dropped a little.

"Everything alright?" I turn my attention to Wesley as the other girls talk amongst themselves, I hear a shrill of laughter escape Chloe's lips as I catch her in the corner of my eye, standing by the car at the back, trying to talk to Ellie as he loads the car up. But he says nothing. Before Wesley replies I answer my own question. "He's worried about something. What is he worried about? What did you say to him?!" I hit his arms some in frustration. A three hour road trip with Elliott being grumpy was not exactly my idea of romance. 

"He's fine Zoey! Everything is fine!" His attempt at defending himself was pitiful but I stopped hitting him anyway, walking with him towards the girls once more. "Don't worry."

Those two bloody words. I hate them. Don't worry. Of course I will worry now!

But Wesley was already hugging me and going out to Elliott before I could reply, soon being swamped with hugs by the others. You would think I was going to my grave or something. Although- this would be the first time that the team had been apart for a while. 

"Enjoy yourself Zoey!"

"Try not to have too much fun!"

"You won't forget about us will you?"

"No Kiki." I laugh slightly at the sadness on the little monkey's face, perhaps she just wants to be going instead. "Alright. Well I guess I'll see you guys when we get back!"

With some more waves I climb into the passenger seat of the car, pulling the door shut but dropping the window down. In front of the car Wesley is talking to Elliott, giving him a firm pat to the back. Something isn't right. What does Wesley know that means he doesn't want Elliott to leave? Even for a few days. But before my mind can think on the subject any longer, Chloe is there again. Ready to give Elliott a hug and no doubt whisper things into his ear. That, is my job. Leaning across my seat I press down on the horn loudly,pulling his attention back to me and the car. Then I see him smile. Just a little, but it's enough to settle my nerves. When he climbs into the driver's seat and slams the door, I take his hand gently. 

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." 

There I am being nice again, it would kill me not to go. A peaceful break, away from everyone else, without interruptions, why would anyone not want that?

"I want to." Comes his reply, along with a kiss to my cheek, sending my smile bursting out onto my cheeks again. "Renée?" His gaze drifts upwards to the older woman who is looking through the window. Her eyes narrowed and a serious look to her face, that would burst into a smile as soon as she spoke and we pulled away.

"Don't let your guard down."


Sardon had always been picking up after Dren, even Tarb was more use than him. He hated Earth. He hated the pesky Mew Mews who seemed to thrive off thwarting their plans. All they needed was the planet, not the people or the pointless objects. Although he did admit, it was rather enjoyable seeing them destroy themselves. 

The media. 

A rather foolish but wonderful invention. 

"I wonder why you never thought of that before Dren,"

"Huh?" The green haired Ciniclon looked up from the screen he was staring at, Zoey with the one they called 'Elliott', the real root of his problems. They were in a car, travelling somewhere.

"The Mew Mews will destroy themselves as long as they live in fear that their secret will come out to the world."

"As will ours?" Dren looked up, confused as seemingly always.

Sardon groaned again with  mounting frustration.

"We needn't go after them all, we only need to expose them to the ridicule and scrutiny of their own kind, then we can destroy them with little resistance."

Even Dren had to admit there had been much of that. Especially from Zoey and her annoying gang. 

"And what draws cameras out more than anything?" Dren blinked with a blank stare at the taller Cyniclon who stood above him, managing a small shrug.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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