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I love him. He loves me. He did look and sound serious when he said that. Can he really? Elliot Grant loves me Zoey Hanson. Zoey Grant. I could have that.  

"That's good." He laughed.

I might melt, he's so gorgeous. His laugh his yell. His hair, his chest!, eyes, when he's kissing. His mind his heart.  I could go on.

"Uhm Zoey?" He asked,

"Huh? Yeah! I didn't zone out, and I totally wasn't thinking about how gorgeous you are or anything like that." I said, shaking my head and hiding my face.

"So you think I'm gorgeous?" He smiled pulling my hands away from my face.

"Meg thinks your gorgeous" I suggested...

"Oh change the subject. You just said you loved me and can't say I'm gorgeous to my beautiful face?" He smirked.

"Elliott." I looked up at him "of course your gorgeous."

"Thankyou." He beamed, stroked my head as I began to purr.

"What did you come to talk to me about?" I asked, closing my eyes lightly.

"I'm not sure really. I guess to tell you I love you. And to have another brilliant idea. Let's train together." He said excitedly

"What you mean you..In your blue knight gear. Training with me. By my self?" I asked flicking an eye open.


"Wow okay. Why?"

"Well your good with your weapons but without you need to be a bit more uh ninja like" he said laughing slightly.

"You think I couldn't take you?" I said, opening both eyes.

He chuckled a little "I er...I mean.."

"You do! You think I couldn't take you?!" I squealed sitting up.

"Let's let your arm heal and then we'll see who's right" he said.

"Worried I would." I smiled, and tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Heal first Zoey."

"Use blue aqua"

His smile faded.

"Maybe not."

"Why not?"

"Because you've had your moment with blue aqua, it's given you a new weapon. I'm not sure if it would have any other affects if we used it to heal you." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"If I was dying would you? If any of us were dying would you?"

"Of course. You know I would."

"It's just good to know." I smiled, not sure if I 100% believed him or not.

"Right" he laughed a little uncomfortably

"Hey!" I said loudly.


"You haven't given me my birthday present yet!"

"Oh no I haven't."He looked down slightly.

"This being where you tell me you haven't even got me one?" I sighed, a little deflated but I suppose he probably helped out with the scrapbook so I shouldn't be expecting too much.

He didn't answer, instead he got up walked across to a drawer under his closet and pulled out a box. I watched him slightly, edging towards the edge of the bed. It looked like a dress box which picked my hopes up.

"Watcha got there?"

He smiled, turning to look at me briefly before looking back to the box, carrying it towards me.

"If you do want to take me up on my offer of training together this might come in useful Zoey." He handed it to me, it felt lighter than it would do if it had a dress in it.

"Uh what is it?"

He laughed slightly and sat beside me, "That's kinda the point of a present, you have to open it to find out."

I went red and laughed awkwardly "haha!  Yeah! Right, Unwrapping the present! Would be good wouldn't it! Yeah.." I trailed off as I began to open It. Pulling the silk ribbon out of its bow, placing it beside me before removing the lid. Inside, sitting on a small pad of cotton wool, was a small silver dagger with a pink gem stone in the grip. Surrounded by dark blue ones.

"Oh Elliott it's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it, I must have changed my mind a billion times before deciding it was perfect. Which for me well" he looked a tiny touched embarrassed and surprised when I kissed his cheek.

"Makes it all the more powerful."

"Now look who's being cheesy" 

"Oh shut up!" I hit his chest lightly and picked the dagger up "so can It do anything or is it just a dagger?"

He creased his eyebrows "It's just a dagger. Just in case."

Just in case? In case of what?

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