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"Well," she turned to look at me briefly before turning back to face the sky. "I would like to see the world, have a romantic trip on an island some where, uhm I wanna get married but you know the whole fighting aliens that was ticked off ages ago."

I laughed a little. "Sounds nice kid."

I don't think she liked that.

"Excuse me?" She turned back to me with eyebrows raised.


"Kid? Who are you calling kid?"

"Yo..no one. I wasn't calling anyone a kid." I said slowly.

"I'm not a kid"

"I'm know, sorry" i laughed a little "I'm only five years older than you"

She looked a little surprised "really? Your only 23?"

"Uh yeah. How old did you think I was?"

"25 26 maybe."

"Oh thanks I'm not that old"

"If you call 23 young" she bit her lip and smirked.

"Oh? It's gonna be like that is it?" I smiled, wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her up and twirling her around placing her down on my bed and hovering above her slightly.

She squealed, giggling hysterically. "Elliott."


"Hmmm. Sorry for getting annoyed before, I guess the idea just scares me y'know." She said quietly, running her hand through my hair softly.

I nodded and smiled. "I'm sorry too. I'm scared aswell don't worry."

"Elliott are you going to just hover above me all night?" Zoey asked, quietly almost a whisper.

"Perhaps." As I bent down to kiss her, my blonde hair flopped in front of my eyes, zoeys laugh filled my ears, and I could see a huge smile emerge on her face as I kissed her softly.

"That was nice" she whispered, as we parted, I smiled and lay down in the bed beside her.

"I've got an idea."

"Oh no."

"Thanks" I laughed, poking her stomach.

"Go on then?"

"Wesley probably will think this is terribly irresponsible of me. But who cares? Should we go away for a bit? Just us?" I suggested

"Sounds good. But What about this amazing let's go attack the cyniclons Misson?" She asked.

"Yeah well it will have to wait. You don't want to do it right now. We'll put it off."

She sighed. "Put it off."

"I'm sorry. If we have more time we may be able to make it safer"

Zoey nodded "will it just be the two of us?"

"Yeah, romantic weekend away with a blonde gorgeous handsome devil." I smiled, sitting on my side zoey facing me, running my fingers down her side.

"You certainly are a devil Elliott." She smiled watching my fingers.

"I love you Zoey."

She didn't answer for a while. She just stared at me, before curling up beside me, nuzzling my chest.

"I love you two Elliott"

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