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I looked up, the Cyniclons had never been any where near the cafe before. That's worrying.

"Injured kitty being downgraded to shopper?"

I sighed and kept walking. Ignoring Dren.

"Romeo looks lonely lately Zoey, break his heart did you? Why you still wearing that bell. Want me to take it. I'll keep it safe for you."

I laughed to myself and carried on walking till I got home.

"So this is where you hang out huh? Small. Cafes more private. Now I get why you guys hang there. More scenic, calming I guess. If you like that."

Urg he is so annoying at times

"Do you mind Dren? I'm not in the mood, all I want is a lovely nice bath. Can you let me have that?" I smiled looking up at him.

"Maybe, but I had an idea for a game we could play. It's called five Predisites for five mew girls."

I rolled my eyes and dumped the vegetables.

"Look I'm really not in the mood Dren!! I've got one working arm! Been clicking away at that darn till all day, collected groceries for Elliott and I've got a ton of reading on collages to look up. Can't you just let me have one evening to myself! Please!" I yelled up to him.

"Sure I can...you don't have to help your friends."

My phone started to ring violently:

"Wesley?" I asked, surprised it was him of all people.

"Zoey I know I said lay off work but where the hell are you?!" He yelled, in the background I could hear fighting, it sounded like the girls where being beaten to the ground.

"I said I would let you have a night off girly" Dren sang as he vanished.

"Mini mew hasn't told me anything,"

"No because he's with Corina remember!" He yelled again.

"Yeah, yeah I remember. I'll come as soon as I can. Sorry Wesley. Can you hold them off?" I asked already on my way, beginning to run.

"We're trying hurry!" He shouted before the line went dead.

I ran as fast as I could, falling only once. I might quit my job. It's the scenes of destruction I hate.

Renee was standing, Kiki was on the floor - Bridget knelt beside her. Corina across the park, with Wesley beside her. Five huge rats were standing above them all.

Rats. Urg their awful.

Then I saw Elliott. As Elliott. He yelled running towards me, at the same time as a Predisite. I reached for my rose bell but Renee whipped it from my hand.

"Renee!" I looked at her "What the hec?"

Before she could answer, Elliott was knocking me to the floor but quickly standing up in front of me.

"What the hec is going on here?!" I yelled, looking around at the others, clutching my arm a little as it ached like anything.

"Zoey stay down until I say ok?" Elliott barked. Then without warning, with drew a sword from somewhere.like Litterally I have no idea where he was hiding it. So much so for keeping secret. I turned to glance behind me and saw Dren hovering above us, smiling gleefully.

"No one is telling me what is happening..." My shouting voice trailed of as Renee, Corina, mini mew and Elliott attacked the Predisites in a square. Locking them in. I heard Dren squeal so I guess he didn't understand what was happening too.

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