Nora's Semblance

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Sooo I decided to make another semblance story :3  this time its NORA! HORRAY!

It was an hour after the Vytal Festival Fight Tournament, team RWBY got up from their sits to go congratulate team JNPR after their amazing match.

They met and started to talk about their fight, "Nora that was amazing! Your semblance was really interesting as well! How did you discover it?" Ruby the captain of team RWBY asked the hyper ginger "Well........." she replied with an awkward giggle

~~Flash Black~~

"Uuhhhh Nora, I don't think this is a good idea." A black haired man in green outfit asked. "Aw come on Ren! Playing mini- golf during a thunder storm isn't that bad!" Nora replied with a huge grin.

~~End of Flash Back~~

Also end of story because DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN MORE?


RWBY CRACKS AND ONESHOTS (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang