Special QnA part 2

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Nick: Aight welcome back whats up everyone ia cool bow except Yang and Nora

Yang: *hair is still on fire bc shes angry*

Nora: *sadly poking a waffle* Im starving

Ren: eat tge waffle then

Nora: But-

Ren: eat *shoves a waffle in Nora's mout*

Nora: ldkdkdksj gdjshshsghddhdb

Nick: ... *whispers* what the fuck...

ANyways! These dare are all from FuzzyBacon77 and wow theres alot dood... okay lets start with this one, Blake!

Blake: *flinshes and tries to hide her ninjas of love book behind her* Y-yes?

Nick: stop hiding it blake everyone knows youre reading porn... kinky bitch

Blake: *gets all flustered* s-shut up!

Nick: back to it Blake take off your bow!

Blake: what?? But??

Nick: take it off


Blake: no

Nick: Blake dont be a bad pussy~

Blake: *blushes* YANG!

Yang: Shes my pussy fuck off

Nick: so? Fuck you *pulls Blakw near me takes off her bow and licks her* try me

Blake: what



Yang: *Ia ready to punch Nick*

Nick: hehe

Yang: *throws a blow*

Nick: *pulls Sun in and he gets the hit*

Sun: *smashes out the window* WHAT THE SHIIIIIT

Nick: Oh! Two dares in one blow niceeee

Blake: *sratches me and takes her bow and puts it back on* -_-

Nick: heh.. ouch

Neptune: *jumpa out the same window Sun flew out from* MY LOVE WAIT I MUST CONFESS TO YOUU!!! *screams until he is no longer audible*

Nick:... okay.. umm

Raven: *walks in* Yang Im disowning you

Ruby: you never wanted to her in the first place bitch

Everyone: ooooh

Raven: .... *gets punched in the face by Yang*


Ruby: *Starts laughing so hard she choked on a cookie*

Weiss: Die bitch

Ruby: uughcjchdh W-wi-es-s h-e-he-lp.fjfjejcjd

Weiss: :)

Blake: *starts helping Ruby*

Ruby: aaaahh thanks Blake

Blake: *thumbs up*

Nick: aight next-

*Neptune and Sun walks back in holding hands and smiling*

Blake: why so bright all of a sudden Sun?

Nick: aaayee

Blake: aayee

Sun: me and Neptune are datung now!

Neptune: yap!

*the two starta making out*

Ruby: *shuts the door on them* find your own room to gay on

Nick: alright! Believe it or not all those dares all came from FuzzyBacon77 haha.. that was alot Fuzz... mu fingers hurt you know...

AIGHT AIGHT AIGHT AIGHT AIGHT AIGHT!  Now thats out the way lets skip to th more.. hehe instense dare

Ruby: nothing is more instense than Yang being angry dare

Nick: ssshhh all of you come here (omg 420 words blaze it!)

*everyone starts gathering around me and my laptop*

Next dare is from Kaylanina

*opens a tab in my laptop and starts typing*

Ruby: whats....???? Yaoi??

Blake: *tense up* oh no

*10 mins after watching Yuri On Ice Victuuri Audio of YAOI*

Everyone but Blake: *is all ob their own corner in a ball rocling back and forth*

Nick: *chills by Blake* Yall are weak that wasnt THAT bad

Blake: *blushing tomato red*

Nick: I havent seen a good Yaoi in a while haha that was great!

If Yall wanna know.. its Eros and Katsudon on youtube hehehe

Ruby: bleach my eyes

Weiss: kill me now

Neptune and sun: *is like a mile away from each other*

Nick: aaah suffering... good to see

Anyways guys! Thats all for now thank you for reading heres your buffet!

Ren: *shows you a table full of foods* Enjoy

Nick: bye see yall next time!

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