Special QnA part1

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Nick: Hello everyone I have returned! I know its been a while but here it is! Special QnA Chapter! Thank you all for stayin and lovin my chapters so far I love you

Yang: get on with it already!

Nick: calm your shit Yang! If you get me pissed once more I aint runnin this time!

Yang: *slumps into her chair* fucking bitch

Nick: okay lets get this on!

first is from: InfinityKittens1213 now just to let you know, I havent been updated on the usernames lately so if you changed yours.. comment please *points at Jaune whos holding the comment box*

Jaune: this is my only purpos at the moment..

Nora: I hope I have the first dare!

Nick: actually yea it is for you, Nora!

Nora: Really?? YYUSS what is it??

Nick: *giggling* Ren come here

*starts whispering it to Ren*

Ren: .... *nods and heads to the kitchen*

Nora: WHAT IS IT??

Nick: ssssssshhhhhhuuutt the fuck up and wait

Ren: *comes out the kitchen with a plate full of waffles*

Nora: wut

Ren: your dare is to eat waffles instead of pancakes the whole. 24.Hours.

Nor: 0~0


Nick: *pulls out invisibility cloak* yea okay time to hide

*Ren and Nora Fighting*

Nick: okay next! This one is fromm.. ooohh this one looks fun its from Lance-Richardson and Im.. gonna.. assume youre a boy so.. He said to let Ruby Give Yang a surprice Hair cut and let everyone fight Yang. Well theres already a Fight outside... so hmm

*10 mins later*

Ruby: are you sure about this?

Nick: yes hurry up before she sees us

Ruby: *sighs*

*creeps up behind Yang*

Yang and Blake: *wathing the sunset together at the top of Mistral Building*

Ruby: *sweats as she slowly tries to cut a small bit of Yangs hair*


Yang: *turns around oh hey Ru-

Ruby: *panics and cuts her hair half*

Yang: *watches as all her hair falls and she now has short hair*




Ruby: I-I can..

Nick: *shouts from hiding placeat the back* RUBY NO

Blake: Fuck this shit Im out *Jumps down the building*


Nick and Ruby: FUCK

30 mins later

Nick: *goes back inside the dorms heavyly panting*

Weiss: what did you do??

Nick: I may.. *pants* have toldd ugh fuck... Ruby... to *pants* cut Yang hair uugh fuck...

Weiss: What.. no.. why

Nick: I dont know dood blame the readers!

Readers: Shut up... just go on... eh

Nick: ..... -_- I almost die everyday for your entertainment

Anyways back on track!

Neo: *smashes through the window* HOLY MOTHER FUCKER ITS THE ICE QUEEN TRUCK!!!! *Slaps Weiss with an umbrella and goes back to where every the fuck she came from*

Weiss: What the fuck???

Nick: hahhaha omfg.... besy thing ever...

Anyways Im gonna cut this in half for now because some parts... needs.. somethins to do I cant explain but we'll get to tge nexy chapter once everyone stops fighting *points out the window*

Ruby: *smashes through the window* ouch

Weiss: Dolt

Nick: Haha.. okay the previous two (Neo shouts at Weiss being an Ice Queen truck and Weiss calls Ruby a dolt) was FuzzyBacon77 's dare hope you enjoyed I have to calm everyone down now

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