Phyrra Nikos

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Another short story! Yay! This time Phyrra after her ascending to that bright beam of light from the Jaune chapter one


After Jaune disappeared from my sight, bright yellow light filled my vision, then I felt something in my feet, something solid so I started to walk the bright light slowly fade and I started to have my vision back, when I looked around I saw nothing but bright white clouds and a nice clear sky ahead of me, I was amazed by this beautiful sight, I wish Jaune was here with me to see this... but of course I do not want him to die soo... no... I thought with a little guilt growing "Hi, its a pleasure to meet you!" That voice was rather familliar but i didnt recognize it so I turned around and saw the girl "I- its... its y-you..." I started stuttering as the girl before me with a nice kind smile walked closer to me "Hi Im Penny, its a pleasure to meet you!" She repeated, i started to walk back in fear and tears slowly come out of my eyes "I-I.. Im sorry I didnt mean to kill you! I didnt know you were a robot! Please! Im sorry Im so so sorry! I-I ... please dont hurt me, I didnt mean it I swear it was an accident! Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry Im---" she cut me off with a warm hug that caugjt me off gaurd

"Its okay Ms. Nikos, it wasnt your fault"

"But I-"

"Sssh... its okay, We're safe now, we're okay..."

I didnt know how to respond or what to react... so I clutched myself on to her and allowed my tears to come running down my chin.

"T-thank you..."

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