Chapter 3 (new life)

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"So how do you manage to live out here?"

"Well if you open those cabinets then you'll find over 30 blankets. In here there are a lot of clothes. For me and for you. And there is so much food in here. But sometimes if we need something we have to steal. Are you okay with that?"

"Even if I wasn't I have to get used to it. I'll be fine."

"Okay. In the winter it gets cold, but if I turn the heater on we will be fine. As long as we have batteries. Which those are easy to get."

"Okay. What about the bathroom?"

"Bathroom. If you climb down the ladder there is another level to the tree house. Everything you need will be in their. There is also a home made shower. It's not perfect but it's something."

"Yea. Thanks. Do you have a mirror?"

He nods and hands me a small dirty mirror.

I look at my reflection and begin to cry. My lip is swollen, I have over 20 cuts on my face, too many bruises to count. I look horrible.

"Braelynn? What's wrong"

"L-look at me. Can't you see what they did to my face?"

"Brae, that's the past. What they did was terrible. But you need to focus on what's happening now."

Gray takes my hand and I flinch but grab his hand back.

"So are you hungry?"

I nod and follow him to the 'kitchen'
He takes out a box of cereal and some milk.

"This is my favorite cereal."

We both laugh. "Yea same. I loved it ever since I was little."

After finishing our breakfast I wash our dishes and Gray hands me new clothes to wear.

"There are some skinny jeans and a tank top with a hoodie. It's getting kinda cold, so I just found something in your size. Maybe tomorrow we can find more clothes for you."

I take the clothes out of Grayson's hand and walk to the bedroom like section of the small treehouse. I close the hanging curtain that is used as a wall and change.

The clothes actually fit me perfectly. I walk out and I don't see Grayson anywhere.


I look around but I still can't find him.

"Shh Braelynn over here quick!"

I see that Grayson is in the other bedroom area and i run over to him. He grabs me and pulls me down covering the both of us up and hiding.

"What's going on?" I whisper.

"There are people coming. We just need to wait for them to leave. Happens all he time."

We were waiting for an hour and I was feeling tired. I tried to stay awake because we both still heard people's voices.

From the sounds of it they were camping where we were living. Good thing the tree house is so high.

I eventually give up trying to stay awake and fall asleep.

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