Chapter 20 (the first for the last)

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Grayson and I both sacrificed our blood. And let me tell you it hurt like hell.

We are back in the woods and he is human now. We are walking back to my house.

"Are you sure you want to meet him Grayson?"

"I'm a 16 year old who was an angel and now human. I want to be risky and live my life the right way so yes I do"

I giggle at Grayson's response.

"Gray can I ask you something."

"Yea sure"

"How did you die?"

Silence was in the air for a little bit.

"I-..... A group of kids my age were at a party.

Grayson's P.O.V


Do I really want to go a party? People will be drinking and things might get out of hand.

Well, I'm 16. I want to party like other normal people. And plus nothing ever bad usually happens so why not.

I walk inside of the huge house. I see all of my friends drinking and laughing.

"Hey Grayson!!! Wazzzzz-uupPPP"

"Hey Logan."

I laugh at my friend who was drunk and now talking to a smiley face sticker.

"Hey handsome"

I turn around and see my beautiful girlfriend Eve. She has dark brown hair, and likes to play volley ball.

Eve and I have been dating for a few months now. We always hang out and our parents like each other.

"Hi beautiful."

"Gray I don't feel good"

"Yea that's because your drunk. How about we go home?"

"But wait, I have plans."

"To do what?"

"Every week... I- Hahahaha- I go to Josh's house. Don't tell my boyfriend but me and Josh are together. And I'm planning on breaking up with my boyfriend- Hahahaha"

I can't believe this. Eve is booming up with one of my friends.

"Eve we are done!"

She threw her cup of alcohol at me and stormed off. Logan watched and came over to me.

"Hey sorry about that man."

"Doesn't matter. I'm going home. My shirt is covered in alcohol."

Logan grabbed me by the throat and threw me on the ground.

"You aren't going anywhere."

Logan grabbed a match and lit it. If he drops it then I'll be set on fire. He grabbed a candle and kit the candle then blew the match out.

Whew. That was close. Really close.


Logan looked at me and pointed.

Josh picked me up by my throat and threw me against a wall. Then he grabbed a gun from his pocket.

"So your the one that screwed around with Eve then threw her away like trash!"

"What? N-no"

"Now your lying."

He raised the gun to my head then


Braelynn's P.O.V

That's so sad. Grayson was killed by someone. Because he loved a girl.

"Gray.... I'm so sorry"

I stop walking and hug Grayson. He gently grabbed my fave and kissed me.

"I think we are here"

I look at the house we are standing at. It was my house. My modern house that was cream colored with a white porch.

We walked into my porch and opened the door. My dad was standing there as if he was waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been! And who is this?"

"Dad in sorry. I know you were scared. I just.... Had to get Grayson."

"So this is Grayson"

"It's nice to meet you sir."

My dad just looked at Gray and then looked at our hands that were joined together.

"Dad it's hard to explain, but I've known Grayson for a long time. He means a lot to me. He is special and I love him."

"You do t know what love is. How can you love him?"

I look at Grayson and smile. Our eyes meet and we don't look away.

"Because... He saved me"

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