Chapter 19 (death took over)

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I wake up and look around. In in a pure white nightgown without any shoes on. All my cuts and bruises are gone.

"Morning princess"

"Morning. Why am I dressed like this?"


"Well can I have my clothes. I need to get back to my dad."

Grayson looked away from me and his body looked limp.


"I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"Brae. You DID get in a car crash, your mom DID die, you DID get in a coma, but..... You didn't wake up. You died."

"No. I went home with... With my dad."

"I made that image in your head. I didn't want you to be upset."

Am I really... Dead

"I'm upset. But why don't I feel it?"

"Because you live in heaven. Your now like me. An angel"

I slightly smile. I'm with Grayson. I'm with him.

"Braelynn. Wake up."

I jolt up quickly. What is happening.

"You okay?"

"Yea. I just had a dream"

"What was it about?"

"That I never woke up from my coma. I was actually dead."

"Oh wow."

I looked at my body and I still had cuts and bruises. And I was wearing my jeans and sweatshirt.



"I don't want to lose you"

"I know. It's going to be okay."

"How? I love you and I want to be with you forever."

"There's a way you can."


"I can come to life with you. And when we die we both come to be an angel"

"How do we do it"

"We need to sacrifice our blood, because if we go against the plan then the gods will use it against us"


"We don't have to do it"

I look at Grayson in the eyes then kiss him. Our lips move in sync and Grayson and I move our way to the bed.

We still don't break the kiss as we lay down. Grayson is hovered over me while kissing me.

I break the kiss and Grayson and I cuddle up together then fall asleep.

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