Chapter 9 (getting better)

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"Your cancer free. Just smoke in the lungs."

"S-so I'll be okay?"

"Yup. You just need to take things slow, and take these pills every night."

"Okay thanks Dr. Tracey. Bye."

When she leaves Grayson comes running into my room and grabs me.

"So what's the news?!"

"I don't have cancer!"

"I told you you would be okay!"

"Yea. I just need to make sure this cut heals nicely that's all. So in not aloud to run or climb."

"Okay well I'll make sure to give you your medicine and you can't come out if the treehouse."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, but thanks. I'm lucky to have you Grayson."

"Yea you are but that doesn't mean I'll let you get away with things. I'm going to go make us some soup"

"We ALWAYS have soup"

"Yep we do. So go get cleaned up and change then it will be done."

I stomp to my make shift room and change into pajamas. After wetting my hair and brushing it, I go to the kitchen area and grab a bowl of soup.

"It's really good!"

"Well it's your favorite. Chicken noodle"

"Thanks Gray. For everything."

"Ehh it's no big deal."

"I might have died that day you found me. Instead of leaving me you brought me here and saved me."

"The only reason people run, is because they are running away from something. In your case it was someone."

"And I had blood everywhere" I giggled.

Grayson took my hand and kissed me. I really do like him. I trust him with all my heart.

"I love you Braelynn"

I smiled and stood up taking our bowls to the sink and washing them. When I was finished I kissed Grayson and walked to my room.

"Night Gray."

When I was in my room I quickly took my medicine and went to sleep.

I wake up around 2 while crying. It was a nightmare.


"I-I'm Okay. Just a bad dream that's all."

"Alright.... Night"



"C-Can I sleep in your bed?"

"Yea c'mon"

I jumped out of bed and held hands with Grayson until we reached his room. We laid down and I cuddled up next to him.

Finally I was sleeping.

He saved me✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant