Chapter 15 (we will miss you)

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"Lexy!!!! Where are you?"

"Hi Dr. Tracey. She has been a very good girl." I say handing Lexy over to her mother.

"I missed my baby."

"Hey Tracey."

"Hi Grayson. Now listen you too. We need to talk."

"Okay. What about?"

"I can't see you two anymore. People are searching everywhere for you Braelynn. It's been a year but they want to find you. And it's to hard with me sneaking around."

"I-I'm sorry."

"I've brought you guys food, clothes, and medical supplies that should last for about a year."

"Thank you.... So much"

"Anytime. I'm sorry Grayson. I'll miss you"

Grayson didn't say anything. He just stood there staring at Dr. Tracey without any emotion.

"Please don't hate me. I need to go now. Goodbye."

Dr. Tracey left with Lexy. I turned to Grayson who had tears falling from his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen him cry.

I hugged him tightly and kissed his neck. He hugged back and cried more. Tracey was like a mother to him. And because of me, he might not ever see her again.

"Im sorry Grayson. I'm so sorry"

"I love you Braelynn. This isn't your fault. I don't ever want you to leave me. I just want you forever."

"Then forever it is. Me and you against the world."

"Not until you wake up. Then it's over."

"Wake up?"


"This is reality Gray. And I don't care how long people will be looking for me, because I will always be here with you."

Grayson kissed me and or lips moved in sync. I loved him. I really did. But I worried about our life here.

"I'll make dinner okay?"

"Okay baby. I'll be in my room"

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a rusty pot. When I found a can of soup I poured it into the pot and heat it up.

"It's done!"

I put our bowls on the wooden table and sit down. Grayson walked to the table and say down next to me.

"It smells amazing!"

"Good so now eat. How is your scar healing?"

"It's good."

Grayson finished eating and took my bowl to clean it. I walked to my room and changed. I was wearing pajama shorts, and a sports bra.

I felt two hands wrap around my waist and I jumped.

"Shh it's just me."

"You scared me Gray"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you and say goodnight."

I slowly took his flannel off and put it on my bed. He looked at me in the eyes and slowly leaned in kissing me.

"I'm keeping your flannel now" I whispered into his ear then laughing.

He quickly grabbed his shirt before I could get it.

"C'mon do you want me to freeze tonight?"

"Well I guess you have to come to my room." Then he walked out of my room with the warn shirt.

I laid in my be and covered myself in a cold sheet. I kept waking up in the middle of the night, freezing.

I quietly got up and walked to Grayson's room and peeked in. He was asleep so I turned around about to walk away.

"Come lay down."

I looked at Grayson who still had his eyes closed, and made room for me. I ran to the spot on the bed, and covered up.

Grayson immediately wrapped his warm arms around my waist, spooning me. I felt kinda awkward, but I liked it. He was protecting me, and showed that he loved me.

"Get some sleep baby. I got you"

I smiled and fell asleep in Grayson's arms. 

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