Chapter 10 (the hard part)

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Grayson woke me up saying that we had to get more food. And that means we have to steal food.

He made me wear all black so no one would see us. We are running through the forest for about 3 miles until we reach a grocery store.

Gray runs to the window and smashed it like it was no big deal

"Hurry up Braelynn. We need to be quick."

I run to the broken window and quickly jump through.


My arm is bleeding and I pull out a piece of glass. Grayson ripped part of his shirt and tied it around my bleeding arm.

"You okay?"

"Yea I'll be fine. Let's get the food."

We run through the aisles and get food as well as any other needs. Then the worst happened. Sirens.

"Hurry let's go!"

We put our bags on our backs and ran. The cops were inside with us and we're running after us.

We jumped through the window and heard gun shots.

"Stop now!!" An officer said but we kept running.

We were in the woods when I heard something fall. I turn around and see Grayson on the ground.

"Grayson!! Wake up please Grayson!"

I flip him over and see a gun shot in his lower abdomen. I start crying and pray that he isn't dead.

I dragged him to the treehouse and up the ladder. Once he is inside I take his shirt off to look at the wound.

"Where is the medical kit?!"

I find the kit and run back to Grayson. Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. Hopefully I remeber what Dr. Tracey thought me.

I grab a syringe and I inject the needle filled with medication in the wound. Once the medicine was working I took a scalpel and tweezers from the kit.

"Grayson I'm sorry."

I cut took slits in the flesh where the billets was and used the tweezers to grab the bullet. Then I stitched Grayson back up and wrapped a bandage around him.

That night I didn't sleep at all.

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