Chapter Fourteen

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Vanessa sighed and looked at me, staring until I cleared my throat, telling her to say something.

"Right, sorry. What do you want to know about Finn?" She looked hostile, but sounded friendly. Did she seriously used to be my best friend? Then she tried to kill me... and it changed everything.

"Everything." I had to know.

She nodded. "Okay, shortly after I met you the FDSI contacted me. They said I needed to turn you in to them, for research. They offered me some... financial rewards. Now I had known Finn for a very long time, and I let it slip when talking to him on the phone about the money I was going to get. He wanted in on it if he could get some of the cash. Then when he met you he regretted agreeing to do the task, but I wouldn't let him back out. He said he realized how sweet of a person you really were. After the night of the dinner when he came over he was angry at you, and then he was back in the program. Until he learned I wasn't going to turn you in, but had planned to kill you. That's when he was your knight in shining armor and stopped me from doing so."

I took in all the information. "If he changed his mind about me, why did he still turn me in to the FDSI?"

"Apparently the FDSI threatened to kill his remaining family if he didn't cooperate. He needed the money in the first place to pay for his mothers bills. She has brain cancer." Vanessa got up and left without saying another word.

Oh my gosh. That one day I saw Finn take the call, he looked angry and scared. That's why, Violet threatened to kill his family. I can't imagine why he didn't refuse to turn me in.  I thought for all these months that Finn was acting, but here he was acting out of fear. I think he actually did mean what he said to me.

I fell asleep with my thoughts all about Finn.


"Kuro get up." A voice commanded me. It was Violet, she was standing outside my prison cell in a bright red dress and high heels. She looked to good to be leader of the FDSI. "You start training today."

"Training?" I asked as we walked down an unfamiliar hall.

"We need to test how far your powers can go." She explained, swiping her key card and the giant metal door slides open. It reveals a large room with another viewing room encased by glass.

"This will be your training room from now on." Violet walked to the viewing room where a few other men in white lab coats were waiting. The only sound I heard was her heels on the concrete. Once she had shut the door to the glass room a loud voice over a speaker announced, "Kuro are you ready?"

I stood in the middle of the room, confused. "Um no not rea-" a loud creaking noise cut me off.

My mouth gaped as hatch opened, only tiny squeaking rock badger appeared. The creature started squealing and running around on the concrete. I turned to Violet.

"Am I supposed to do something here?"

"Kill it." She commanded.

"What?! That thing is utterly adorable!! I can't kill it!" I looked back to the rock badger that was sitting in the corner of the room grooming itself.

"Kuro kill it now!"

I shifted to a wolf and lunged at the innocent creature. It squeaked in pain as I snapped it's neck in a split second.

Shifting back to human I walked up to Violet. "This this supposed to be a joke or something?"

"Not at all." Her hand pressed a button on a large control center and yet again the hatch door opened to reveal a sand cat. The cat meowed as it rolled it's fluffy body around on the floor.

I just stared at Violet again. "Seriously?" She eyed me and something bit down on my leg, hard. I hollered and looked down. The innocent looking fluffy ball of cuteness was attacking me!

"Oh come on." I mumbled under my breath.

Shifting to a hawk I grabbed the cat in my talons and flew up to the ceiling. Releasing the sand cat it plummeted to the concrete floor and a loud snapping sound was apparent as its body crumpled to pieces.

Violet gave me a look of approval and yet again hit the button. This time a good opponent came out. A 600 pound male grizzly bear was snarling as it emerged from the hatch.

I flew down closer to get a better look at the creature. It's giant paw swiped at me, I flew up just in time. Bearing it's teeth it stood up on hind legs, taking me by surprise and hit me straight on with its sharp claws.

I hit the wall and slumped to the floor, now back in human form. I felt blood trickling down the side of my face.

What animal beats a grizzly bear?

It was slowly advancing towards me as I panicked thinking of a predator that could beat this.

Got it!

I shifted to a lion and lunged at the bear. Clawing it with all my force then jumping back before he could hit me again. The bear, obviously stunned that a lion had appeared out of nowhere. I closed my teeth around its neck and bit down as best I could, the bear was bigger than me. Luckily lions were more agile then this beast.

Whenever the bear would try to attack I would simply change into a bird and fly out of its reach. Eventually the bear was lying on the floor along with the sand cat and rock badger.

I changed back to human form and sat down, tired. I was bruised and bloody from that last fight. Violet pressed the button and again the hatch opened.

I groaned as I saw multiple animals running out. At least half a dozen elk came running out, horns sharp and dangerous.

Using the last of my energy I changed to a panther and slay down two of the horned creatures. Blood was everywhere and I attacked one elk in particular that seemed to enjoy using his antlers. I clawed at its muzzle and side until eventually it collapsed.

Turning to the next elk, and the next one, and the next one, until finally I was surrounded by dead animal bodies.

Someone walked out of the viewing room, clapping.

"Very good Kuro. You have shown strength in this training piece." It was the man.

The man that was always staring at me. I shifted to a tiger and growled at him. Quickly I changed back to human, to tired to remain in animal form.

"What do you want?" I choked out, the smell of blood heavy in the room.

The man extended an arm and helped me up. I gladly took it, then leaned on his shoulder for support. My legs felt like jelly and I could hardly stand.

"Good job Kuro." Violets voice boomed over the speaker. "Of course we'll have to teach you to be strong even after shifting so much. I want you to be eating 3 meals a day. Whatever food you want, we have to keep you healthy."

The man handed me to the guards who escorted me back to my cell. I noticed there was a paper the strange guy had given me.

Making sure no one was looking I opened it up.

It only said five words. Five words that changed everything.

Kuro I am your father

Plot twist! Find out what happens in the next chapter.

-Dragon :D

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