Chapter 30: More Of A See You Soon

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"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." - Peter Pan

Chapter 30: More Of A See You Soon

"Girls come on!" Josh yelled from the main room.

"We're coming, we're coming." Me and Courtney trailed behind Delilah.

"I swear you all take forever to get ready." Josh huffed.

"Well excuse us if we want our bed to look neat. Unlike some people we know." I narrowed my eyes at josh and Christian.

"Why should we when the maids have jobs?" Josh shrugged.

"Because they have a whole bunch of rooms to clean, triple the amount of beds. We want to make their job easier." I gripped the handle of my suitcase. I was dreading this day for the longest.

"You do know they have to change the sheets. So you doing that makes it so much harder." He shook his head and slung his book bag over his shoulder.

"Lets go." He headed to the door.

All the way down to the lobby, past check out, into the cab, to the airport, and through the security Christian didn't say a word. It was like he was in his own little bubble. He even stayed slightly away from the group as well.

I knew exactly why he was like this. Everyone else didn't. So while we were waiting for our flight to be called I went and sat next to him. I held his hand in mine.

"Christian talk to me, please." I stared at him. He looked down an shook his head. "This is our last day together. We need to cherish each second. You distancing yourself won't help." I squeezed his hand tighter.

"It's harder than i thought." He looked up at me.

"What's harder than you thought?" I saw sadness swimming in his eyes, also a struggle. A struggle within himself.

"Breaking up with you."

I felt my heart shatter. Tears started swelling in my eyes.


"I won't be able to handle the pain of not being with you. Not being able to touch you, see you, kiss you, hold you." He caressed my cheek in his hand. "Being together at such a far distance will eat me alive." A tear strolled down my face and he wiped it away quickly.

"Christian don't do this." I mumbled and gripped his hand tighter.

"I don't want to hurt you Hailey." My heart began hurting. "I'll be in San Fran, you'll be in New Hampshire. That's two opposites sides of the country." He pulled me on to his lap.

"No!" I stood up. "You don't have the right to sit me on your lap. You're breaking up with me Christian." More tears ran down my face. "In the city of love you're breaking up with me. You're saying goodbye." I stepped back when he stood up.

"Don't think of it as a goodbye, think of it more of a see you soon." He held my hands and i shook my head.

"I don't want to break up." I wiped my tears still holding into his hands.

"Then lets not. Lets just pull the break on our relationship. Only until we are back together again and finished with college." He pulled me closer.

I laughed and he looked confused.

"What's funny?"

"Out of all the possible things you tend to break. I never thought my heart would be one of them."

"I don't intend to blue-"

"No Christian, you've been distancing me ever since yesterday. Then when you finally talk to me you want to break up- no not break up pull the break. I really do hope you have fun in San Fran."
I tried walking away but he pulled me back.

He pressed our bodies tightly together. His lips met mine and i didn't even want to fight it. Tingles flowed through my body, fireworks exploded on my lips. It was like our first kiss all over again. He pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"I will always love you. I'll call you, text you, FaceTime you everything. I don't want to lose you." I saw the tears forming in his eyes.

"I don't want to lose you." I wiped away the first tear that fell.

He closed his eyes and pressed his cheek against my palm. I could feel the rapid beating of his heart.

"Distance makes the heart grow founder." I whispered.

"It also tears people apart. That's why I didn't want to be a couple. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. I love you and always will but over the distance we don't know what will happen. I was just saving myself the heartache but only caused you one. I'm so sorry." he opened his eyes.

"Now I understand. If this is what you want I will accept it. We can break up or pull the break or whatever until we come back together." I wiped away my tears.

He let me go and stepped back.

"Friends," he held out his hand. "For now."

"Friends." I shook his hand. "For now." I added with a weak smile.

Our flight was called and we all boarded it. The flight was silent between me and Christian but we never let go of each others hand. I don't know who was holding in tighter me or him.

But I knew that if I let go then I'd fall. Fall into a pit of despair and I'd lose myself. He was my rock, my sanity, my ledge. I knew he wouldn't let me fall, not now, not ever.

I love him, he loves me that's all that matters.

I sniffled and pressed my face into his shoulder. He squeezed me again for the 11th time we've been hugging. I didn't want to let him go and he didn't want to let me go.

His flight was called for the second time and I was forced to let go. He was leaving as soon as we landed. I wouldn't be leaving for another week. I felt bad for him. Getting off one flight just to get on another.

"Wait!" Delilah shouted and we liked at her. "We need a selfie!" She pulled everyone together.

We huddled up together.

"Our last time together for a few years." She pouted but then smiled.

Christian and josh bent down to our levels. Delilah held up her phone and we all smiled at it. She took the picture and then Christian rushed to his gate. I sat and watched him leave. My phone buzzed in my pocket but I didn't bother to look.

When he disappeared I looked at his plane through the window with everyone else. When it took off everyone waved including me. No matter how much I was hurting I was still happy for him.

"Who wants pizza?!" Josh turned away from the window.

"Me!" Courtney and Delilah chirped.

"I'm not in the mood. I'ma just go home and sleep it off." I gave each one a hug and then left.

I took a cab home. When I walked in the house everyone was happy to see me. They wanted me to tell them about my trip. I just wasn't in the talking mood.

I trudged up the stairs, changed into my pajama pants an shirt and christians hoodie. Since it was night time it was cold. I then went to Christians tree house. Flipping the switch on the Christmas lights everything came into view. The multiple pictures we took, the picnic basket we'd keep in here and just about everything else.

I grabbed the blanket and laid on the floor with it spread across me. I slowly went over the pictures eventually starting to cry. Sometime during the night I had fell asleep.

My dream was better than my reality.


And that is the end of Is This Love One-Sided? Don't worry I will be doing the epilogue and that should be up soon. Don't hate me for breaking them up. It had to be done.


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