Chapter Fifteen

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I own nothing

By mid-morning of their second day trekking across the plains, their fourth day of their journey to Polis, Clarke became aware of the change in the air. It felt different, smelt different.

Since lunch yesterday their journey had been on a road, surrounded by the fenced fields of farms holding livestock consisting mainly of bovine. There was however some sheep and goats. They had passed a farm which was obviously reclaimed from the old world. Everyone had wrinkled their noses and hurried their horses past it. Pigs, Lexa had clarified by the smell. Bloody revolting Clarke shuddered while still awed by the sheer volume and size of the farms.

The more they travelled and closer they got to Polis the more the large open paddocks became smaller well-tended fields that Lexa told her were for growing fruits and vegetables. The fields for growing crops of wheat, oats, barley and corn were further to the east. The orchards for apples and citrus to the south.

Lots of farmers and workers tended to the paddocks and fields. Some merely watched from their place of work as they went past. Others hurried to the road side to smile and wave and wish them well and congratulations. Even word of their merger had spread to here. No doubt word of their wedding too.

They spurred their tired horses up a rather large hill and there were exclamations of excitement and wonder as they reached the top and before them lay Polis. It was much larger than Clarke dreamed it would be, thousands must live there. The size of the buildings was clearly visible too and left her eager to explore. In the distance she caught something glimmering and excitement overcame her. She turned to Lexa and asked

"Is that the ocean?"

"It is." Lexa couldn't help but smile at her exuberance "My house is on the waterfront. Our bedroom overlooks it"

Clarke blushed at the mention of their bedroom causing Lexa to chuckle. Everyone tried not to stare at them, still trying to get used to the more open and carefree Commander. The Trikru had not seen it in a long time. The Skaikru having only seen her formidable side until the past week with Clarke.

The horses sensed they were close to their destination and seemed to be in a rush from there. There was a small downhill section then it was all flat. Clarke had a little trouble trying to rein her mount in. He must smell fresh food, clean water and a soft bed.

After an hours quite brisk ride she could see the walls of the city looming high above them. A good 5 meters high she thought. They started to ride through ruins of buildings, those that couldn't be salvaged, too far on the outskirts of the city to protect.

Lexa had told her that Polis was once a city called Annapolis. A naval town. Fortunately for it the nuclear warhead had malfunctioned and failed to hit its target, landing miles out in the ocean allowing for the beautiful inner city brick buildings and paved roads to survive without damage. The naval base had suffered some damage but its fleet had been at sea so hadn't suffered major damage which left the city untouched. It stood today as it did before the war, the first Heda deciding to preserve their history and culture. Only the outer suburbs hadn't been saved. A defensive wall could only protect so much. What was protected was stuck in time and the people worked hard to keep it maintained as it was pre war. Everything. Including themselves.

They eventually made it to large steel gates, guarded by several guards in towers. The gates were opened and they were allowed through. Clarke was surprised to see more ruins and a few huts for the guards and in the distance another wall. They were very safety conscious and it showed, if you were to breach the first wall you were faced with a second stronger one.

"Heda, Skaiprisa" the head guard nodded "We have been expecting you. The city is abuzz with excitement and there will be a large festival"

"Excellent" Lexa nodded and Clarke could see the excited sparkle in her eyes. Obviously Lexa liked festivals. From what Clarke remembered her telling them about festivals she wasn't surprised. A horn blew in the distance and a dull roar went up. Clarke heard Lexa sigh and raised a querying eyebrow.

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