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Uhm here's a thing. If you hadn't already heard, Ted Cruz dropped out....

So, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong (please tell me I'm wrong), but does this mean that Donald trump is pretty much guaranteed to get the republican nomination?

I mean, I never was exactly a fan of Mr. Zodiac Killer, but at the same time, I don't think he'd be worse than Trump.

Um. Guys? Trumperica is growing closer each day.

Please America, come on, you're better than this! Don't let this brainless rotten carrot become the leader of our country!

Seriously, though. I'm doubting the fact that most Americans have a brain.

Regardless, Cruz is now out of the race. Rejoice or be frustrated beyond any reasonable measure, but I think this means trump is going to be guaranteed the republican nomination. I'm begging someone to tell me I'm wrong.


~Ghost (Just realized Naan posted the same thing. Ah well. Here's my perspective, then)

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