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Edit: This chapter has been renamed from "Women's March", because the rant isn't really about that. It's about protestors in general, but this thing just kinda set it off. The main purpose behind the march wasn't just protesting trump, but there were many people who attended for that reason.


I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here, but before I do, I'd just like to make something clear.

There are three main, active admins on this account. Me (Ghost), Saralee, and Naan. We are separate people, and we don't agree on absolutely everything.

That being said, this rant reflects MY views, and NOT NECESSARILY the other's views.

The other two might disagree completely, or they might totally agree. I don't know.

So, don't unfollow this account just because you disagree with me. I don't speak for everyone on this subject. And, if you disagree, feel free to leave a comment saying why.

And sorry if my opinion angers you, no sarcasm intended. I just really needed to get this rant out.


This may be somewhat of an unpopular opinion, especially because of the purpose behind this account. However, I don't care. Skip over it if you like.

So, I'm sure by now you've heard about this Women's March thing. Where a bunch of people got together to...protest trump's inauguration I think?

See, here's the thing with that. While, obviously, I didn't want Trump to win, he's our president now. And, in the kindest way possible, I would like people to...well,


Like, I'm sorry, but it's pissing me off to a great extent. Protesting the inauguration of a president is utterly pointless. The only thing it will accomplish is inconveniencing a whole bunch of people, but, newsflash, yeah, it WON'T stop Donald Trump from becoming our president.

Yes, I'm aware people protested when Obama became president as well, but that doesn't make it right to protest against Trump.

We've made jokes about Trump and his views in the past, and I'm probably going to continue to do so, but even I know that a lot of these jokes are EXAGGERATED.

Of course I don't agree with him on many ideas. Unfortunately, the majority of the country (or at least more than half) does, and so I'll deal with it.

I was going to write about the purpose of the women's march, but what even is it?! Trump isn't going to stop being president because a bunch of people are angry! He's our president now, for the next four years. He hasn't even had a chance to DO anything yet.

I've said negative stuff about Trump in the past, and I will continue to believe those things, but I'll keep it to myself for now.

The very least these protestors could do is wait until Trump actually does something bad as president before rioting.

Some of these protestors are violent as well. Which, in my opinion, is the most hypocritical thing, because aren't they supposedly marching for peace?

Do I need to bring up that kidnapping and torture incident? ("Fuck Trump, fuck white people!")

Just...stop the protests already. If trump tries to, I don't know, ban gay marriage, then yeah, at least then the protests are justified.

But we haven't even given Donald Trump a chance yet. I know, that sounds ridiculous coming from someone on the account "Trump Dumpers", but seriously.

We shouldn't be assuming he's going to be the worst president ever. We should be supporting him, and HOPING he does well.

When he does something worthy of protest, then protest. If trump decides to do something truly awful, do you really think he'd get away with it?

Donald Trump is our president. I personally didn't want him to win, but there's nothing I can do but hope he does well, regardless of my doubts.

And good luck to him. I sincerely hope he will be a good president.


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