State of the Union

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I'm back! At least for a few seconds, until I am re-consumed by school.

Anyway, this morning in English class, we were assigned a most dreadful task: writing a rhetorical analysis of Trump's State of the Union address. Which means we have to watch the whole. entire. speech. possibly multiple times to get a good understanding (which I honestly don't mind doing since I really like politics but TRUMP). 

There are two problems with this: 

1. There's no rhetoric to analyze. Unless the overuse of adjectives counts. 

2. Unfortunately, no logical fallacies allowed. (This is ANALYSIS, not CRITICISM. Be oBJecTIVe!!!) 

So that's the state of affairs in my life (no pun intended). 

What did y'all think of Trump's state of the union? Honestly, all controversy aside, I think it wasn't half bad, at least compared to his initial speeches. His methods are still very elementary, but at least now he sort of HAS methods.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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