Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!

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I walked in school talking to Melissa. Or well she was talking and I was listening. That is until I bumped into something and felt very familiar sparks. I looked up at the person to see who it was and secretly hoping it Jake who I had a serious crush on.

But it turns out to be the most full-of-himself wolf at the entire school. Kevin D'Angelo. His father is Italian and his mother is from Californa.

"What are you looking at?!" he thundered.

For some reason he seems to hate the fact that we're mates and I know it's not the bulls*it he tells everytime. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Melissa's hand leading her to my locker. Good thing her's was right next to mine.

It was silent while we put our things away took the stuff we needed out. We shut our lockers at the same time. She looked at me. Kevin walked by at the exact moment and grinned when our eyes followed in disgust.

He turned around.

"Like whatcha see?"

We were going to answer but laughed instead as he stumbled into Ms. Farland, causing her to loose the grip papers she's holding. While she's falling she grabs on to the nearest thing which happened to be Micheal D'Angelo- who's the vice principle and Kevin's father- making him spill very hot coffee on his 500 hundred dollar piece suit all while ripping it in the process.

Everyone that was in the hall laughed at the scene and kids in class rush to the doors to see what happened. We all stopped laughing when Ms. Farland cried out and seemed on the verge of tears. She pointed her finger at Kevin.

"You! You are going to pick up every single piece of paper that fell and I will see you in detention after school for the rest of the school year," she hissed and then walked to the girls' restroom.

All the kids gasped. Everyone knows you try to stay out of trouble on the first week of school and to get detention for the rest of the year only on the third day is insane. Kevin looked at his father for help but he just gave him a blank look and picked up his empty coffee cup. Good thing it was styrofoam

"Dad I-" Kevin began but his father but his hand up to silence him.

"You'd better get started. As for the rest of you get to class."

He walked in the direction of the main office.

Everyone looked at Kevin in pity but nonetheless went to class. I stood their wanting to help him but decided against it.

Melissa took me by the hand and led me to second period since we have all the same classes and it's an even day.

We walked past Kevin while trying to avoid spilt coffee that smelt like toffee syrup. When we where only three feet away I looked back and saw Kevin looking at me for help but I shrugged and kept walking.


When lunch rolled around I was getting extremely sick of my panther yelling at me about not helping our mate.

Why did you let it happen?!  Why didn't you help him? she kept yelling it over and over until I yelled back her to shut up. She quieted down and my headache went away.

I picked up my pizza and took a bite. My started beating a little faster when Jake sat down next to me. I've had a crush on Jake every since we meet in the Auditorium during freshman year. While my dad the principle droned on about getting involved in school we struck up a conversation about writing and photoagraphy. After a few months we started a club together. I was the leader and he co-led so that meant that if I couldn't make a meeting he'd take over. We even got the Council of Elders to sponser field trips and the newspaper which was in much need of improvement.

On our second field trip to London after the end of the school year I told him how I felt and he said he needed time to think about it since he just got out of a relationship. I said I understood and now that it's our junior year and we're close to being seniors I think that was his way rejecting me and telling me could never be more than friends. It hurt when I came to the realization and I've tried to move on but that's proving to be more than difficult since my 'mate' rejected me near the middle of my sophmore year saying that he needed to be mated to a she-wolf instead of a she-cat.

After that I started dating a few guys and for some reason he thinks I was trying to make him jealous and had the nerve to tell he didn't want me with other guys. I told him to f*ck off and said I could as I please. He didn't like it but I didn't care.

But back to the present. Melissa was talking about the spelling bee next month that her little sister was competing in. It was next month on September 3rd. Jake took a sip of blood from his thermos and said he couldn't make it because that's the anniversity of him and Katie who was also a vampire. He hasn't told us if they were mates or not but we suspected as much. The sad part was that despite this I still liked the guy and for that I was disgusted with myself and my 'mate'. Why couldn't he be there for me? Half the school knew I like Jake and that caused problems between him and Kevin.

Jennie sat down next to Melissa and they kissed. Melissa's bisexual and some of the boys are gay. No one has a problem with it so it's cool. Even some of the teachers were gay and stuff.

"Did you hear what happen to Kevin?"

Jake looked around. "What happened?"

"He bumped into Ms. Farland and Ms. Farland grabbed Mr D'Angelo suit while falling and causing it to rip. She gave him after school detention for the rest of the year! Mr. D'Angelo also spilt coffee on himself, too." She giggled a little and leaned against Melissa.

"Everyone knows you stay out of trouble for the first week and he already has detention for the rest of the year and it's only the third day."

I nodded. "Exactly. But he did deserve it. I mean who walks backwards in the hall?"

"Idiots of course."

We all turned to see Katie. She was actually nice and beautiful. She stood 5"5, short red hair which was in a messy bun today, and gray-blue eyes. She was also very intelligent, too.

I turned away as both of my friends kissed their lovers. I finished my pizza and started eating my fries when one of my older brothers takes some and puts them on his tray.

"You can't do that Jabari! You already have a mountain of fries on your tray," I said in a half-hearted attempt to get my food back. Truth be told I wasn't even hungry. Thankfully the bell rang and we all walked back to class.

On the my way back to algebra I passed Kevin who was making out with a blonde she-wolf. Our eyes locked and he smirked. It hurt and I felt like crying until I couldn't cry any more but I was saved by Alex whose had a crush on me since we were little. The pain in my heart became a dull ache when Alex put his arm around me.

"Are you alright?"

I leaned into him and nodded. He kissed my forehead and somewhere I heard a growl. But I didn't care so I kept walking with Alex to algebra.


I'm still gonna upload my other stories but I had to try this since I've been reading a lot of rejection stories. Can anyone give me a good starting line to a poem? I've been so stuck lately it's ridiculous! I can't upload this weekend due to a project and take home test my english teacher gave us to do. I guess this is it. Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now