If you really love me then prove it....

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Kevin POV

Later that night after I got of the shower I felt even more frustrated then when I got in. I kept imaging Merit's kisses and feeling her beautiful curves which led to my jeans becoming tight and I realized I needed a cold shower. But that didn't even help because I kept I picturing her naked. Which leads to where I am now. Pacing around my room hoping the words of Eminem's song Almost Famous will calm me down.

Someone knocks at my door and I quickly pull boxers over my stiff erection. I grab a pillow and cover my lower half before yelling "Come in!" I smelt my dad's scent and I growled lowly in throat.

"I won't reject her."

He laughed and sat down on a couch across from my bed.

"Yes, yes you will. I am not only your father but your alpha."

He stood up and walked to the door. His hand paused on the handle.

"It's best if you remember that I will always be your alpha before you father. You will reject her. Understood?"

I growled. "Yes, sir."

He smirked before closing the door behind him.


Kevin POV

I growled after I got out of the shower and realized what I had to do today. I quickly got dressed in jeans, a white t shirt, leather jacket, and just grabbed some shoes from my closet. I ran with inhuman speed to the kitchen to pick up something quick to eat but after I saw him smirking at me I completely lost my appetie. I put down my fork and told everyone I'd see them later.

My mom looked worried. She wrapped some food up and put it in a lunch container.

She held it out to me "Here."

I looked at her confused.

"At least eat on the way. Now gow before your late!"

I sighed but took the bag from her anyway. I got in my car and drove off to school. When I got there I parked and before I got out a few tears rolled down my cheeks and I brushed them away before anyone could see.


Completely suckish and short chapter but I kinda wanted to justify his reason because the other rejection stories say the guy still wants to be a player and that's completely chiche. I also hate that they start falling for them so quick and everything the guy does to hurt the girl she cries. I wanted to make Merit strong and with a bit of a backbone. Peace...

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now