If you really love me then prove it

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Kevin POV

I remember her walking in the library and talking. Asking me if I liked her and was she desirable. She was more than that. She was, and still is the most wanted she-cat in the entire school. Every guy wanted her and it wasn't only because of her wealth. She's beautiful, kind, and stands up for what she believes in.

I told her to meet me at the Starbucks on 21st street. I got there and ordered a coffee. I checked my watch. It read 2:35. I sipped my coffee and looked around, wondering where she was.

I watched her walk through the door and looked around. It was hardly anyone there. She waved at a girl behind the counter and walked over to where I sat. I traced her figure with my eyes. When she sat down I looked up and hoped she didn't see my disappointment.

The girl she waved at when she came brought over coffee for her and donuts. The girl, whose name was Lisa, said something about sharing the donuts in a Southern accent. We sat quiet for a while. I ask her what she liked to do and after she told me I told her that I liked taking pictures, hanging with my friends, and throwing parties which isn't really true.

Pretty soon 2 hours flew by and I didn't even notice. I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry."

She smiled. "What's there to be sorry about? This is the most fun I've had in years. Especially since I'm having fun with the most important person in my life."

I was about to speak but she slienced me with a kiss. I kissed her back immediately and my wolf howled in joy. We parted for air too soon for my liking. We soon gain control and I gave her the best glare I could muster bacause I was pretty sure lust showed in my eyes. I did my best to smoulder it.

"We are not mates. I hate you."

Her face was complete shock but was quickly replaced with a blank expression. I didn't quite expect her to cry but I also didn't expect this either.

We sat there in silenced. Waiting for the other to break. We both were skilled with contolling our emotions but she was way better than me.

She looked into my eyes and smirked. Somehow it looked quite sinister.

"I, Merit Johnson, accept your, Kevin D'Angelo's rejection."

I sat there and soon I couldn't take it anymore so I left. I tried to talk to my wolf but he ignored me.

I knew I was going to regret the decision and I also knew that when the time came I was going to kill my father.


Merit's POV

It's okay, sweetie. He never deserved you or me. We can live without him.

My panther tried to comfort me but I pushed her away.

I pulled out my cellphone and called Ahit.

I heard a bit of panting and when Ahit's voice came I smirked. I always knew they had a thing for each other.

"Yes, Young Mistress?"

I looked out the window and my eyes locked with Kevin's. He was at the bus stop. We stared at each other until the bus came and Ahit's voice brought me back to reality. I noticed the car was gone. Suddenly anger filled me. My panther was angry and sad at the loss of her mate. She tried to take over and I allowed her.

Where ever you are come here now," she said with little emotion.

"Of course."

She hung up walked to the counter. She took out money, laid a fifty on the counter, and walked. When she reached outside she leaned against the brick wall of the building and when the car finally pulled up and she pushed off the wall and wait for Ahit and my body guard, Mdjai, to get out.

When they did explanations flew from Ahit's mouth but she wasn't having it. She slapped Ahit quite hard which caused her to stumble back.

What are you doing?! I yelled at her. I know you are sad and angry but that gives no excuse for you to attack my servants!

Whatever. She answered before addressing Ahit.

"Take me home now."

They both nodded and when we got home I ignored everyone and didn't even acknowledge any of the members of the High Council. I got to my room and slept.

End of Flashback....


Took me a while but here it is. I hope this makes sense to everyone because I put all I had into this chapter. Guess this is it. Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora