Bonding Duller

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I woke up and smiled at Adrian. I got up and walked to the window. I opened it while grinning at the full moon. Soon it began to fill with a crimson red color. The reason for that is because when high ranked members of the pack are born a full moon, which is red, shines on them. It's kind of sad that packs still have members who are lower ranks and the way they treat them is horrible.

"Merit." Adrians voice called to me from the bed.

I looked back. "Yeah?"

"Come back to bed, babe."

I looked at our clothes on the floor and realized that it looked like we slept together which made me feel a bit sick to my stomach.

"Merit? C'mon."

I looked back at the moon before walking into his arms. I couldn't help but think how it should be Kevin who holds me like this.

But he never will, my panther said bitterly.

"You alright?"


"You miss him, don't you?"

I laughed bitterly. "Why would I miss someone who doesn't want me? Who hates me?"

"He's still your mate. You'll always have feelings for him and love him all your days."

I laughed again, but this time it sounded lighter. "You sound like my father. Besides," I got up and began to put on my clothes, "I can control it."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. He slowly pulled my clothes back off and whispered in my ear.

"Can't we just have one night of passion? We've both been rejected and need comfort. Why can't we find it in each other?"

When I didn't say anything he continued.

"And in any event I think you look quite good in my clothes." He went to his closet and pulled out some t-shirts and shorts. He turned to me.

"You wouldn't mind modeling, would you?"

I smiled and shook my head.



I awoke again to an alarm clock blasting Tattoo by Jordin Sparks. I looked around and didn't see Adrian. I walked to the bathroom, did my business, washed my hands, and walked to the main bedroom. I found my clothes and walked down to the first floor. When I reached the door his voice called to me.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

I smile crept on to my face and I turned around to face him.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

He growled. "You are mine."

I shook my head.

"Don't you get it? When you reject someone they are no longer yours. That's like throwing away a toy, saying you don't want it, see someone else pick it up and you still say it's yours. Once you throw something away you convey the message that you don't want it. And that's what you did with me."

I saw his fists clench in anger and when I looked into his eyes I saw regret, sadness, and undying love.

"You have no idea how much this hurts me Merit."

"I honestly don't care anymore. I truly don't."

Shock passed across his face but was then replaced with anger. I turned to opened the door and he stopped me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I stiffened a bit. Sensing my discomfort he slowly rubbed my stomach and nibbled on my ear lobe. I couldn't help but moan a bit. I felt him smirk and he spoke.

"I'm the only one who can make you feel this way."

I suddenly became angry and pushed him away. I looked at him while he stood there smirking. As suddenly as I became angry I was now filled with pity for my fool of a mate.

I laughed and filled with pride when he frowned.

"What's funny?" he asked, and I detected a bit of fear in his voice. My eyes were changing colors and I once again felt pity for him. If you got a feline shifter angry it could put you in your grave quite early. They're way stronger than a werewolf by a mile. Especially if they have Leader blood in them.

I felt my panther wanting to take control and I let her.

Don't hurt him, I whispered.

She scoffed and ignored me. She looked directly at him and gave a sinister smirk. She slowly stalked towards him.

"Look here fool. I can have any man I desire and just because we are mates does not mean my options are limited to you."

She flipped her hair over her should and glared at him.

"If you do not want me then why should I want you. I am not like those weak little she-wolves. So hear me and hear me well. I will not become some little sex toy to you and throw myself at your feet. I know many men who would love to mate with me and have me bear their children."

She smirked as Kevin growled. Or better yet his wolf growled since he let him take over.

"You are mine and will bear no man's children but mine."

"Then why do you reject me?"

He stayed silent and she shook her head. She turned and walked out the door


Not very interesting but there is a surprise coming the next chapter! Guess this is it. Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now