Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!

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Kevin POV

After Ms. Farland yelled at me that I had after school detention for the rest of the year all I could think was FML! It hurt when she didn't help but deep down I know she wanted to. After I saw Alex put his arm over her I couldn't help the urge to go over and kill him! How dare he touch my mate?!

But when I came to my senses I realized that she's a she-cat and I need a she-wolf to bear pups for me and become alpha female. I sighed. No matter how many times I tell myself that I just can't believe it. I try not to care when she's with other guys but that's proving to be more than difficult sense I can't help but feel possessive over her.

After a heavy make-out session in the hallway with Crystal I decided to just go to English. To tell truth I was surprised to see her of all the girls in the school to ask me to be her first kiss. She had the rep of a middle class girl which is short to say that she can be nice but a bit of a bitch, too. She was suprisingly a good kisser which made me wonder if she was telling the truth about the first kiss thing.

When I made it to English the teacher stopped her lesson and looked up at me. She smiled.

"Hello. Nice of you to join us Mr. D'Angelo. Would you mind taking your seat, please?"

I walked to my seat which was exactly next to my mate. My beautiful, sexy, mate. Why couldn't she be a werewolf? Why?!

>>>>>Fast forward a bit>>>>>

In the last 10 minutes of class I had to hold my wolf down to keep from smashing in all the guys heads that keep flirting with my mate! I sighed. I had 1 more class with her after this one. Just then some red headed she-wolf sat on my lap and tried to flirt with me and rub my jeans. The rubbing worked but the flirting she was going have to give up. When the bell rang I grabbed her hand and took her to the nearest janitors' closet.


When Ms. Jameson said that we had 10 minutes free time every either jumped on their cell phones, made out, listened to music, or just talked. I choose talk of course since my mate wasn't giving me the time of day.

"Hey MJ! Over here!"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my brother, Khenti and his friend, Peter who's an elf.

"What do you want Peter?"

Peter was a really nice guy and we went on a couple of dates, slept together twice, then dated for about 4 months until he cheated on me with a human girl, who happened to be one of bestest friends, and knocked her up. But for some reason he thinks we still have a shot.

"Are ya goin' ta gimme tha time a day or what?

I sighed and Khenti chuckled which caused me to glare at him.

"Peter. We broke up for a reason. You cheated on me and knocked up, not up not just any girl, but one one of my bestest friends and you still think we have a chance?"

He nodded.

"You so need a life!" When the bell rang I was so thankful to leave.

"Couldn't we just try again?!"

"No we cannot!"

I will be forever thankful when that boy finds his mate.

When I got to the last class of the day I was so happy I literally did a happy dance walking into Nutrition & Wellness. Ms. Ashley took it as a sign that I was happy to be in class.

"I'm glad you're happy to be here."

I shook my head. "That's not it. I'm just glad to get away from a certain somebody."

I set my stuff down and when I went to sharpen my pencil I bumped into someone and felt sparks. I looked up into his eyes and then rolled mine. She-cats are better at controlling their feelings for their mates than she-wolves and since my mate rejected me I can control it even better. When he saw how I reacted his eyes held sadness but I felt no pity or guilt because he should feel more than sadness for the way he's treated me thus far.

"Excuse me," I said as politely as possible.

"Can we talk? After school?"

I shook my head.

"Can't. I'm busy. Besides that you have detention don't you?"

He cursed. I laughed and sharpened my pencil. When I sat down and started working on the bell ringer one of my many fwb's stopped by. Micheal was a pretty hot guy. Standing 6"3, black hair with blue highlights, a well defined body, and he also has a phd. Long story short this brother is fine with a capital F.

"He MJ do you think I could swing by after school to 'study'?"

I smiled. "Sure."

He grinned. "Great."

After everyone came in and finished the bell ringer class started.

>>>>>After class>>>>>

I was walking with Melissa and Jake to Melissa's car since mine is in the shop and so is Jake's motorcycle. He literally cried when they towed it away. It was decided at lunch that she'd drop me off at home, ride to the shop and finish working on Jake's bike. In turn he'd drive my car to the mansion since it was fixed already.

We were almost to the car when a certain somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me to them.

"Can we talk please?"

I sighed. "There's nothing to say. I think you should be more worried about your detention than me." 

"I don't care about that."

Melissa spoke up.

"Ummm... I think you should. Unless you want to have after school detention until graduation I suggest you leave before Ms. Farland calls security and you end up not becoming Alpha of your pack and it gets handed down to your cousin along the position of High Coucilman, too."

He shuddered and winced at her words. I felt bad for him. Melissa always gave off the I'm-saying-this-in-a-nice sorta bitchy way-because-I-feel-pity-for-you vibe. It scared everyone. Even the Council of Elders could never surpress a shiver when she was near.

He left and we walked to the car, got in, and Melissa blasted 'Marvin's Room' remix by Jojo. The only song playing in my head though was 'Can I go now' by Jennifer Love Hewitt so I put in my headphones and played the song over and over again until I feel into a dreamless sleep.


Hello dudes and dudettes! I deciding to try and post something since I have no homework. Also I am getting cupcakes tomorrow! Well I guess this is it. Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now