Bankruptcy of the Pack

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Kevin POV

Everyone thinks I rejected her to sleep around but in reality I love her and it breaks my heart every time some slutty chick hangs on my arm or lies in my bed. My father made me do it. Despite me being the son of an alpha I couldn't refuse his request since I wouldn't be getting my full power 'til I turned 18. He wanted me to reject her because of his pride. My dad filed bankruptcy and took out $1 million dollars in loans to try and pay back gambling debts from 30 years ago and 1 million is only one thirds of the money that has to be paid back.

You see, my grandfather wired $10,000 dollars biweekly to my dads account to pay for his college classes since he went to a college in New York and had an apartment; but instead of using it to buy books and pay for classes he threw parties and got wasted. But the real trouble only started after he traveled to Las Vegas and got hooked on gambling. He then feed lies to my grandfather about some scholarship in Las Vegas and he needed the money to be wired there instead of New York.

My dad made crazy bets. He usually bet 2 or 3 thousand and it could be easily pay back if he lost but after winning so many times he became crazy with the betting and by the time he so deep with the amount he betted it was too much for the 10 grand my grandfather sent him for it to be paid off quickly. A few months before it got really bad he meet my mom, his mate. She didn't want to have anything to do with him after she learned what he did.

After he begged her not to leave she stayed and they evenutally got married. Naturally her parents weren't happy about her mate and despite their love for her they wouldn't give my dad money to pay off the debts. Some time later he met Merit's father and after learning how rich he was and how well he fared in his business he became envious of him. My mom urged him to ask for help but his pride and semi racial views stopped him.

Now that brings us to why I rejected her. When I told my parents my mom was happy but my dad was pissed....



I bumped into her in the cafeteria line and I knew she wanted answers as to why I was avoiding her. I remember looking in her eyes and just wanting to love her forever. I avoided her because I needed time to think on how to approach my dad on the subject of her being my mate. I knew that if I told him he would be angry. Merit's father is extremely rich and quite famous for being the type of person who wants to help someone in need. He would gladly give him the money but since my dad is jealous of the fact that he rich and black he refrained from asking for help.

Here's how it went....

I was driving home and it was the third day of me avoiding her and my wolf was going crazy, begging me to claim her.

Claim her now! I need my mate!

Sorry bud. No can do. I can't claim her until I figure out how to tell my parents about it.

He growled. Whatever....

I ignored him for the rest of the ride and when I made it to the pack house, which is a bit smaller than it should be, I parked. All of the wolves mated and with children moved into houses or apartments. My older brothers being apart of that group. My brother, Mike meet his mate 10 years ago at college, and after they both finished they got married and moved into a houses only an hour drive from here.

My other brother, Josh, meet his mate at a Starbucks after he finished college. She was working there to pay for her classes and books. They met and got married a year later and he paid for everything and after she finished they moved from St. Louis to New York. They visit often for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I saw both of their cars outside and became some what excited and a bit nervous. Both of them declined taking responsibility for the pack and now that falls on my shoulders. They both are great leaders and I don't think I could ever measure up to their expectations for me. I walked inside and was immediately bombared with head nuzzels and both of them saying 'Hey, what's up little brother?' at the same time.

I looked them over and wasn't surprised to see that their styles were still totally different even though they were twins. I grinned and all three of us did the 'bro hug' thing. We all walked to the kitchen. Josh sat down while Mike lean against the door frame of the kitchen. I raided the fridge in search for a quick snack to try and get rid of my nerves before telling my parents.

It was quiet while I made myself a sandwich with chips, fries, and a bottle of orange juice on the side. After I took the first bite of sandwich both of them gave me a serious look. I stared back confused.


They both looked at each other and back at me before Josh spoke.

"Have you found your mate yet?"

I nodded my head and continued to eat. They smiled and congratulated me.

"What's she like?"

"Who's like what?" a voice asked.

We all looked as dad came in with his arm around mom. It was silent as we all looked at each and mom, being one to pick up quickly on what people say by looking in their eyes, smiled and jumped for joy.

"You've found your mate! Oh, that's wonderful honey!"

Dad smiled and congratulated me, too.

"Who is she?" dad asked.

"Her names Merit Johnson."

He looked confused for a minute until it clicked inside.

"Reject her," he commanded in his full alpha voice.

Mom's eyes widened before an angry look over took her entire face.

"You will not reject her. She's very wonderful girl; full of grace, intelligence, and great wit along with willpower. She does not deserve to be rejected."

Dad glared at her before his eyes soften a bit and he sighed. "Fine, don't reject her.

He gave me the 'we'll-talk-later-in-private-look' and I knew it wasn't going to be good but I just shrug and he growl in response.


This took me a while but here it is! I think I might put He is mine and I am his on hold or something because I really getting in into this story. Also wanted to change it up so Merit won't fall to quickly. The girls in other rejection stories fall a bit to fast for me and it makes them seem weak almost. Like they don't have willpower or something. But I guess whoever writes it can put what they please and have characters act anyway they want, right? Anyway, I guess this is it. Peace. 

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant