Missing Pieces

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Merit POV

Dad sat on my bed and continued to glare at me. I felt bad to the extreme. Not only did I insult my mother but my dad as well.

"You will stay here."

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"You can't go to the party."

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Yes I am."

"You can't do that!" I yelled while standing up.

He stood up as well and spoke calmly.

"I am not only your father but your Leader as well. You want to test me on what I can and can't do?"

I stayed silent and watched him walk to the door where he paused and turned back around.

"I'll also be confiscating your bonding dullers." He held his hand out.

I sighed in frustration before getting a bag and putting the empty and full needles in it. I handed it to him with tears in my eyes. When he saw my tears his voice became soft.

"Merit this is what's best for you. Trust me. Pretty soon you will thank me and you'll be happy with your new mate."

I didn't say anything while he kissed my forehead and softly closed the door. I curled up on my bed in a fetal position and for the first time in 5 years I cried my heart out. I didn't want a new mate. I wanted Kevin. I wanted him to love me and care for me just as much as I do him. Why couldn't he do that?

After 2 hours of crying the sadness was still there and felt as if it would never go away. I sighed and decided that maybe eating would help. I pressed a button on the side of my night stand and Ahit came running in my door.

When she saw my face she gasp. She quickly walked towards me but I held up a hand and stopped her.

"All I want is for you to bring me 2 containers of fudge, 3 liters of strawberry soda, 1 pint of rocky road ice cream, another container of chocolate chip, fudge, and m&m's cookies." I paused and thought. "And bring me 2 bottles of red wine."

She bowed. "Yes, young Mistress."

After she had left I called Jake on his cell phone. After the third ring he picked up.

I heard his breathing and it sound heavy. "Hello?" he said, which was followed by a moan of pleasure.

"Um yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to come over." After hearing a few more moans I spoke again. "But if you're busy I can call back another time."

I heard grunt and 'that was so good, baby.'

"Sorry about that. I can come over."

"Great. I'll see you when you get here." I hung up and sighed.

My thoughts turned to Hathor. Where are you, great goddess of love? Will you not answer my prayers? I sighed again as I heard nothing.


Kevin POV

When we arrived someone came to park the car and I couldn't help but growl as he tried to flirt with Melissa. She ignored him of course, but I didn't miss the wink she gave him. I ignored it and walked in. The party was in full swing. Everyone was dancing, eating, or just talking. Either way everyone was having good time.

Elder Kenan and his wife greeted us at the door. His wife is a drow (aka dark elf) and very beautiful. Standing at 5"6, with long dark hair, and bright reddish gold eyes.

"Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy the party. You can drop your gifts off at the table and find yourself some food next to it." He gestured towards a two tables about 35 feet from us and 4 inches apart from each other.

"I'll put the gifts up," I said but no one heard me as everyone was walking towards their respective groups. Mom talking to the wives of Alpha's, Leaders, and Councilmen. Dad speaking with Alpha's Councilmen. And Melissa becoming the life of the party as unmated girls surrounded her and looked up at her with admiration. For what reason I couldn't guess but I dropped the gifts off and turned towards the food table.

A group of tough looking teenage guys surrounded it. They only broke the group to let people come by and get food before resuming their positions again. My ears caught what they were saying.

One boy, who looked like the leader and was a werewolf, spoke first. "Did you hear what happened to Merit?"

Everyone else shook their heads and he grinned before speaking again. "Her mate rejected her."

They all looked stunned and another boy, who was an dark elf, spoke.

"Who the hell would reject Merit?!"

A vampire boy moved his dark hair from his face and his eyes turned a dark blue which must mean he felt lust.  He grinned.

"I don't know who the hell he is but he's a pretty big idiot to reject her." He smirked. "I'd give anything to have her in my bed."

The elf nodded and so did everyone else. I almost growled out loud at the thought of other guys lusting after MY mate!

My wolf laughed. You truly are a fool to think she could ever want you.

She wouldn't want you either.

He laughed again. Of course she wants me. It was you who rejected her. Not me.

With that left me to my thoughts. I suddenly felt weak and tired so I walked to an empty table. Before I drifted off to sleep I saw Elder Byron walking with dad to a back room. The thoughts that I had was where were they going and why do I feel so empty....


Last day before spring break is over so I wanted to give you guys a parting gift. I know I said that this was on hold but I decided that it made no sense to do that so here is a perfectly delightful chapter for you all! I also might take the Never Again story down since no ones interested. I'm also very excited to report that this story has over 3 thousand reads. Yay! Anyway I guess this is it. Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now