Bonding Duller part 2

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Kevin POV

After she left my wolf calmed down and I soon took control. Adrian came from around the corner and shook his head.

"You f*cked up dude."

I turned and glared at him.

"How so?"

"By saying what you said. You don't know how strong she is and how many guys would love to share a bed with her."

I growled at what he said but didn't speak.

"At any rate you'd better pray to the Gods that your birthday comes extremely soon or your dad just forgets his pride because if not, then you'll be forever under his rule and Merit will mate with someone else."

I growled once more.

"She can't."

"You truly don't understand feline shifters, do you? Once either a male of female reaches 18 they can mate with anyone they choose if there mate rejected them. I'm gonna give you a history lesson. In the 18 and 19 hundreds it was against the law to reject your mate if you simply didn't want them. But since pressing matters were at hand in the 90's the law was uplifted."

"What? I never knew that."

"Not many people do."

I sighed and started walking towards the door. I looked back.

"Anymore advice you want to give?"

He shrugged. "Be careful. And try to ignore your father's orders."

I didn't say anything and walked outside.

When I got home I saw a different car in the driveway and when I got out I smelled different scents that differed from anyone in the pack.

I walked into the living room and saw the Alpha of the Starlight pack sitting across from my dad and mom. Dad was nodding his head excitedly while my mom glared at the coffee table. The Alpha's daughter, who I didn't know the name of, was sitting next her father and it was about 3 minutes before anyone noticed me.

Dad stood. "Ah, hello son." His arm went around my shoulder and he steered me towards the Alpha's daughter.

"This is Alpha Micheal's daughter, Melissa."

Melissa was a beautiful. She stood 5"4, had dark eyes, and equally dark hair.

She'll never be as beautiful as Merit, my wolf muttered and I silently agreed. I nodded my head in greeting to both of them. I was starting to become uncomfortable in Dad's touch and tried to move but he held me in a pretty tight grip. He spoke private to me through the pack bond.

She is to be the future Luna of this pack and you will mark her. Her father says she has not found her mate and he wishes to have grandchildren soon. His mate is dead and she is the only surviving child his mate gave birth to: the rest were stillborn. This is for the future of our pack. It will do you best to remember that.

He put every ounce of Alpha tone in that he could and without thinking I told him that I would.

A few hours later while Melissa and I were going through the motions of sex the normal pain that I felt with Merit through our bond stopped a few minutes after I marked Melissa. I couldn't feel anything and when Melissa asked if I was alright I put on a fake smile and said that I was fine.

After she was asleep I showered and went to the gazebo in the backyard. It felt good enough outside that you didn't need a jacket but you might need a sweater. My mom was wearing a sweater and just sitting in a chair drinking tea.

"Mom," I called.

She looked at me and smiled weakly. 

"What is it?"

"I'm worried."

"About what?"  

"I can't feel anything."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember when I told you about the pain I felt when that Merit was feeling when I had sex with someone other than her."

She nodded.

"A few minutes after I marked Melissa I didn't feel anything."

She stood up to her full height of 5"7 and ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair like she always did when she was stressed. But this time she seemed a bit angry. All of a sudden she smiled and sat back down.

"Do you want a cup tea?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. "How the hell can you ask me if I want a f*cking glass of tea when I can't feel anything between our bond?! What if she's in danger?"

She chuckled a bit. "Why would you care? You're the one who obeyed your father and rejected her. So you have to deal with the consequences."

I sighed and sat down. She poured me a cup of tea and I took a sip. We sat there drinking tea in silence until the sun rose.


It probably sucks but I wanted to bring in a surprise. Which is Kevin marking Melissa and the introduction of bonding dullers. Quick history of the bonding dullers: all the Councils from state to the Elite wanted creatures of the super natural world to use it but the people who made realized that humans could use it to and since werewolves rejecting their human mates was becoming more common and the people who made it started selling it for profit in America and overseas. All of the Councils and the Elite got wind of it and banned bonding dullers. Which is also tied to the law prohibting rejecting your mate simply because you didn't want them.

By the 90's the Elite grew tired of trying to stop what was happening and decided that they had more urgent matters to attend to. Then is got passed down to to the Council of Elders then the High Council and finally it became something that the local city council had to deal with. 

So there is the brief history of bonding dullers and I'm going to upload Merit's POV in the next chapter if I can. Guess this it it. Peace. 

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora