Me + Mr. Alpha + My Crush = Disaster!

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When Melissa dropped me off at home I was surprised to see the Council of Elders cars outside. They only come to have meetings with my dad, talk about something serious, or just plain visit. Hopefully it was just a visit.

"What are the Elders doing here MJ?" Jake asked.

I got out of the car and shrugged.

"I'll see you guys later, alright?"

"I'll come inside with you," Jake said.

I nodded and we both walked inside.

"I think it's a wonderful idea. Merit is quite skilled in writing and photography!"

I walked into the spacious living room and saw my parents on the couch and the Elders sitting across from them. My mother looked up and smiled.

"Merit! How was school, darling?"

A servant came and both Jake and I handed him our jackets.


Dad smiled and nodded. "The Elders have an idea they would like to propose."

Jake and I sat down and then turned to the Elders. Suddenly a tension came in the room as if a magician put it there. It was quiet for about several minutes. I turned to Elder Kenan whose a elf.

"What is it Elder Kenan?"

"There have been some problems with a school in England. The High Council and Council of Elders there want the children at your school to put together newspapers to show that all creatures of the supernatural world can get along. They all want at least 2,000 copies when it's done."

"You mean there's been problems of racism there?" Jake asked.

All of the Elders nodded.

"What exactly would this mean for us?" I asked.

"Whatever you make out it, Merit," Elder Kenan answered mysteriously.

"It would be nice to help," Jake commented, "Show them that it's better to live together than divided."

Everyone nodded. Then there was something I had to ask.

"Will it just be me and Jake or will everyone on the newspaper help out?"

"Everyone will help out along with someone else."

Jake and I looked at each other.

"Who?" we asked at the same time.

"Kevin D'Angelo!" My mom shouted.

We all turned to look at her and she covered her mouth but not before saying a quick 'sorry'. I sighed and looked away. Why the hell is he helping? I thought. I didn't realize said this out loud when my mother scolded me on language.

Elder Myler, whose a werewolf, sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"He's your mate."

"So effing what?! He rejected me and therefore is undeserving of my love and anything else I would have given him."

My mother spoke up. "But it's wrong to sleep with other males, sweetie. You're hurting him."

Everyone nodded in agreement except Jake and my dad.

I turned to her and sighed. "You mean it's wrong for females to sleep with someone else but it's perfectly okay for males to be with anyone they want and when girls try to play the same game it's wrong," I replied.

No one answered and I shook my head, keeping in tears of pain.

"You have no idea what it's like to sit by and watch him kiss other girls and tell me I'm not good enough. I hate him and will forever more unless he gets over his sick fantasy that he needs a she-wolf instead of a she-cat. If any of you can convince him otherwise then I'll be forever grateful but until that happens I don't want to hear anything about me being wrong and him being right."

I sighed and started walking away and up the stairs to my room.

"If Mike comes by tell him I'll talk to him later, alright?"

I walked in my room, grabbed my laptop and set it on my nightstand and hooked up my headphones to it and played music from my playlist. A few minutes later I dropped off and awoke to a knock on my door. I took my headphones off and told them to come in. The door opened and it was Jake.

"You alright, MJ?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm alright."

He grabbed a chair from my desk and pulled it near my bed.

"May I take a seat, Mme. Merit?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You have spent to many days in Paris."

He laughed, too, and shook his head.

We sat in comfortable silence until a knock came to my door again.

"Who is it?"

"Elder Kenan, Merit. May I come in?"


He came in and smiled we he saw us.

"What are you guys up to?" he asked with traces of playfulness in his voice.

Jake shrugged casually. "Nothing much. What did you come up here for?"

"Straight to the point, huh Jacob? I wanted to know if you'll still do it."

 Jake and I look at each other. If we did this we could probably become famous and taken under the wings of the most famous writer and photographers. It would be the perfect opportunity to become known in both the supernatural and human world.

We both nodded and he smiled.

"I'll go tell the other Elders, alright?"

We nodded and he left while closing the door.

Jake swiveled in the chair and turned to me with a bored look but his eyes held excitement.

"You excited?"

I nodded and he asked me if I wanted to go to a party on the river front to celebrate. I shrugged. I really didn't care as long Mr. Alpha wasn't there because me, Jake, and him would defintely spell disaster.

I didn't feel like changing so I just grabbed my phone, Ipod, keys, and my satchel. We walked down the stairs to the door and left without the adults noticing. We drove my brothers car and I told Jake to call Melissa and see if she was at the party.

The phone rang twice before she answered.

"Hello?" The music was loud and became slighly quieter as she moved away from it.

"What up? You at the river front?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. You guys on your way? The party's wild!" She sounded excited.

"Yeah. We should be pullin' up in 'bout 5 minutes, alright?"

"Sure," she answered and hung up.

I didn't say anything about his semi gangster speech 'cause that's just how he talks sometimes. We got there and more than half of the school population was there. Music was blasting so loud and bodies grinding so hard all the clubs in Saint Louis couldn't compare to this. Jake and I got out of the car, looked at each other and grinned. This was party was bangin' and it made me happy to see everyone havin' a good.

"Wanna dance? We can find Melissa later."

My grinned turned into a full smile as he led away from the car and people. We moved some distance to not be out of sight but we could still hear the music. We didn't grind or anything. We were just to friends dancing and havin' a good time.

I was so far on Cloud 9 and pretty sure nothing could bring me down until I saw Kevin making out with Katie, Jake's girlfriend and possibly his mate. I tried to pretend not notice but Jake noticed my anger and was about to turn around but I pulled him back and kissed him full on the lips.


This is dedicated to CrazyGyrl who begged me to post and I sincerely apologized but I've been tied down with finals and I'm quite confident I'm passing all of them even though I haven't studied at all. I have my last 2 final tests for 5th and 7th block tomorrow so wish me luck! Peace.

Rejected by the Alpha werewolf but I'm a panther so I don't care!Where stories live. Discover now