Chapter 3

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She's not breathing. What do I do? "RYAN, CHAZ, ANYBODY!!!!!" I screamed. I picked Silver up and layed her body on my lap. Just then Ryan came running in. "What's going on?" He asked.

The he looked down and saw that Silver was just laying in my lap. "Oh shit." Chaz said as he came up behind Ryan. "SOMEBODY CALL 911 NOW!!!" I yelled. They both just stood there. " NOW!!!" I screamed. They both ran out of there.

I cupped my hands around her face. "Please don't die baby. I can't live without you. You're to young to die. Please baby just make your heart beat again. I need to hear that big heart of yours beat again. I would do anything to make it beat again." I said while trying to hold back my tears.

Just then I heard something. I didn't know what it was but I heard something. Then I looked down and I saw her chest moving. "Thank god. But she still needs to get to a hospital." I said talking to myself.

"RYAN CHAZ!!!!" I screamed once again. They came running in. "She's breathing again." I told them with a smile on my face. "Thank god!" They both said at the same time.

I picked her up and ran out to my car and put her in the back seat. I quickly drive to the hospital and ran inside with Silver in my arms. "SOMEBODY HELP I NEED A DOCTOR!!" I yelled. Just then a whole bunch of nurses came running with a gurney.

I put her on the gurney and the nurses told me to go wait in the waiting room. I walked back to the waiting room but I couldn't sit down I was passing back and forth.


3 hours later


I have been waiting in this fucking waiting room for 3 hours now. I need to know if she is okay and what is going on. I walked over to the nurses counter. "Can you please tell me how Silver Hastings is doing?" I asked her trying to be cool.

"I'm sorry I can't. That is classified information." The lady spoke. She looked to be about 30. "I'm her boyfriend. I brought her here. I need to know how she is doing and I need to know now!" I said through clenched teeth.

"I believe that she is in room 106." She said. I simply just nodded my head and went to find the room. After walking for about 4 minutes I found the room. I walked into the room and saw Silver just laying there on the bed with bandages all up her arms.

"Hey baby girl, I know that you probably don't want to talk to me and I don't even know if you can hear me, but I love you and I am so thankful that you didn't die. Without you I don't know what I would do. I don't know why you did this. Is it because of the kiss? If so I am sorry. Wait no I'm not I wanted that kiss to happen. I LOVE you Silver." I said even though I didn't know if she could hear me.

After that I just say on the side of her bed and slowly drifted into a sleep.


I woke up with these bright lights in my eyes. I looked to my side and I saw... Justin? Why was he still here? I heard everything that he said to me and it was sweet but I mean he kidnapped me.

I can't be in love with my kidnapper. I looked at him for another minute then he woke up. I was still staring at him. "It's about time your awake." He said with a smile on his face.

"Ya I guess. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. I am supposed to be dead. I mean I was dead for a few minutes so why am I here?" I mumbled.

"I wasn't going to just let you die Silver. What was I supposed to do leave you lying on my bathroom floor bleeding to death. I don't think so. And I don't know what happened when I found you you weren't breathing. Then I... said something's and you started breathing again." I looked her in the eyes and told her.

I kept trying to avoid looking in Justin's eyes but whenever I would look a different way he would some how make it so that I was looking into his eyes again.

"Justin?" I asked quietly. "Yeah?" He asked. "Why do you care so much about me? I mean I'm not even that pretty and-" before I could finish I was cut off.

"Listen Silver you are beautiful. No matter what anyone else tells you you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Justin said while looking into my eyes.

"Justin you are so sweet. But I mean you kidnapped me. How can I love my kidnapper? If you explain that to me maybe just maybe I will let you take me on a date." I said while looking out the window.

"Wait who said I was going to ask you on a date?" Justin said with a questioning look on his face. "Wait you aren't going to ask me out?" I asked him.

"No." He simply said. "Justin please get out." I mumbled. "What? Why?" He asked I could see that he was hurt. "JUSTIN WILL YOU PLEASE JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOSPITAL ROOM!!" I screamed at him.

He looked shocked and then he stood up and walked out the door without saying another word. I thought that he loved me yet he wasn't going to ask me out. Forget him I don't even like him.

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