Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


She thought that i was going to ask her out. I said no i wasn't going to ask her out. What is wrong with me? The girl that I love thought that i was going to ask her out and I said no I wasn't. I know what I can do. When she gets home from the hospital have another girl over and have her all over me and act like I am into her and make her jealous. Maybe then she will admit that she likes me. Sounds like a good plan to me. Just then my phone went off. I looked at the caller I.D. it was Chaz.

Phone Convo.

Me:What's Up?

Chaz:I was calling to tell you that after the whole incident with Silver and David, David left and we can't find him now, but we think that he might have gone to work for the enemy. If he has gone to work for the enemy that is bad because i think that he knows our plan.

Me:Shit that is bad. Well when me and Silver come home in a few hours we will discuss a new plan, and if I ever see David again I am going to kill him. He scared Silver enough to make her try and commit suicide. Then he is just going to run off and go to the enemy? No i don't think so. That isn't how things work when you work with me. When you work for me you work for me and you do as i say when i say it. And you DON'T turn your back on your gang and go to the enemy.

Chaz:Okay well when you get here we will just have to make a new plan. What time does Silver get to leave the hospital?

Me:Maybe a hour. Hour and a half at the most.

Chaz:Okay man well try to hurry back we don't want anything bad to happen.

Me:Alright bye Chaz.

End Of Phone Convo.

I went back to Silver's hospital room. She was sitting in there getting her stuff together and getting ready to leave the hospital. I knocked on the door and walked in. She glared at me. "What do you want?" She spat. " take you home. Obviously." I said while looking at her like she was retarded. "You mean back to YOUR home. That's not my home. My home is with my mother. You just had to go and kidnap me. Why me? Huh? Why not someone who is better than me? Why did you have to pick me? Maybe if you didn't pick me i wouldn't even be in the fucking hospital. David wouldn't have been able to try and rape me. I wouldn't have kissed you. None of this would have happened if you just left me at that school the day of the shooting. Did you know that that was going to happen? Did you hear on the news that they think that i died in the school shooting and they just haven't found my body yet? Did you hear that they killed my best friend the day of the shooting? The only person who understood me is gone because of that school shooting. I fucking hate you. You ruined my life. I wish that i would have just died in that school." she said with tears running down her face.

I didn't say another word to her the whole way home. She needed to cool down. Finally arriving back at the house Silver gets out of the car and slams the door shut behind her. She walks into the house and walks straight up to the bedroom and slams that door as well. I could tell that she was pissed. I mean i guess if i was in her position i would be pretty pissed off too. I mean i did kidnap her. She will probably never see her mother again. Her best friend was killed in the school shooting that David did. She is probably in a lot of pain right now. I know that i am not helping that pain go away by telling her i love her but i am only telling her how i feel.


He is getting on my fucking nerves. After i snapped at him at the hospital he hasn't said a word to me. I just can't believe that my best friend was shot to death by someone that Justin knew. I can't believe that i am never going to see my mom again. She has probably been crying for days now, just because she thinks that i am gone. If only there was a way that i could get in contact with her and just tell her that i am okay. No that would make Justin furious and we saw what happened the last time that happened. I need something to eat. I walked to the kitchen and got myself something to eat while everyone was staring at me. I had bandages all up my arms. "DO YOU HAVE A FUCKING STARRING PROBLEM OR SOMETHING? GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING IDIOTS WONDER WHY I AM ALWAYS SO MAD! MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE JACK ASSES!!" i yelled at them. I sat there for a minute realizing what i just did. Honestly i don't care. They sat there shocked. Their mouths were wide open and they were just staring at each other.

Kidnapped Justin Bieber StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora