Chapter 19

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Silver's POV

I woke up and Justin wasn't next me. Instead the girls were all laying on the bed. When did they get in here and what happened to Justin? "Hey wake up." I shook Selena, she came this morning. "Hmm..what?" She mumbled. "Where did Justin go?" I asked. She layed there for another minute before saying, "Ummm...I think that he went downstairs, but I'm not sure. Now can I please go back to bed. It's..," she looked at the clock and then said, "ONLY 7!!" Okay as you can see she is definitely not a morning person. "Yes now you can go back to bed." I laughed.

I went downstairs and saw all the guys sitting on the couch. Justin and Christian were playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. Of course. They always play that game. "Where are the other girls?" Ryan asked. "Oh they are still upstairs sleeping. I woke Selena up,but she isn't a morning person so..." I said. "Wait, did you say that Selena is here?" Chaz asked. "Yes I did say that. Why? Does somebody have a crush?" I teased. "Don't be rediculous. Chaz Somers...doesn't get crushes..well maybe he does..guess you guys will never know." Chaz said.

"Dude just admit it. You like Selena." Ryan said. Everyone laughed. "Okay fine. I like Selena. Happy now?" He asked. "Actually yes. She heard everything. Well she is going to. I just recored it all." I said before I ran up the stairs. Chaz was chasing me yelled no. "JUSTIN HELP!!!!!" I yelled. Justin came running up. "Sorry man, can't touch Silver. She's pregnant and not your girlfriend." He said with a huge smile on his face. "Man don't let her show that to Selena." Chaz begged. "Too late. I already sent it to her." I said with a huge smile on my face. "Well shouldn't you be at school." He said back. "Nope. None of us are going today." I said. "Umm..yes you are. You can't miss school. Especially because in a few months you will be missing a lot of school because of the baby." Justin said. "Fine but you better go wake all of them girls up then." I said as I walked towards the bathroom to start getting ready.

Justin's POV

Me and Chaz walked into mine and Silver's bedroom and woke up all the girls. They have been giving us the death stare for about 10 minutes. It is actually pretty scary. Girls can be really mean. "Okay you guys really need to go to school. You guys are already late for 3rd period." I said. The good thing that they all have 3rd hour together. I think that they have every class together actually. They just left for my car. Girls these days.

Silver's POV

We just took Justin's car and went to school. We arrived at school and when all of us, me, Selena, Alexis, Jade, Ashlee, Aubree, Maddy, Caitlin, Jazmyne, Vanessa, Sasha, Faith, and Jesse. "Would you like to explain to me why you all are so late?" Mrs.Wyatt asked. "Umm..we had better things to do." I mumbled and Maddy and Caitlin started to laugh. "What was that Mrs. Hastings?" She asked. "Oh nothing." I said. With that we all took our seats and pretty much fell asleep. When the bell rang we all jumped out of our seats.

"Oh my god! I hate that class! It's so boring!" Vanessa whined. "Yeah tell me about it?" I said.


"Vanessa stop!" I yelled in between laughs. Her and the other girls thought that it would be funny to tickle me to death. "Oh shit." I said. The girls stopped and their faces got all serious. "I'm just playing!" I yelled and ran away. "Oh hell no." I heard them yell.

3 Months Later.

Silver's POV

The baby should be coming any time now. To be honest I am terrified, but I know that I have Justin, Alexis, Selena, Vanessa, Jade, Ashlee, Aubree, Maddy, Caitlin, Sasha, Faith, Jazmyne, Jesse, and the guys. Today I have to get up in front of the whole school and make a speech on bullying. To be honest I don't want to, but the good thing is that Justin and the guys are coming. They actually all got back in school! That makes me so happy, now people won't mess with me and we can see each other all day. "Would Silver Hastings please report to the office." I heard over the loud speaker.

Great time for my speech. As I got on the stage I seen all the people. I spotted Justin, the guys, and all my friends sitting together. I smiled at them. "Hello, my name is Silver Hastings. Today we are going to talk about bullying. Bullying happens everywhere and to everyone. If you are being bullied don't be afraid to tell somebody. You may think that if you tell somebody that it will just get worse, but that's not the case. You will get help. I can promise you that. By a show of hands how many of you have been bullied? Okay so a good amount of you. If you are a bully out there I suggest that you stop. Do you think that it is cool to bully people? Well it's not. I know how it feels to be bullied, it's not fun at all. It hurts. I thought about commiting suicide, I have cut before. I have done a lot of things that I don't think any of you need to hear. Bullying needs to stop. You bullies out there, you know who you are and does it make you feel good to put other people down? Does it make you a better person to put people down? Does...D-does..I'm sorry...I think that I am having my baby." Justin and all of my friends and the guys got up. They ran up to me. I seen Baili and she was looking at me like she wanted me to forgive her. I quickly looked away.

As we got to the hopital they rushed me into a room and got me changed. Justin was standing at my bedside holding my hand. "Everythings going to be okay baby. Just do what the doctors tell you." Justin said. "Easy for you to say. You aren't about to give birth to a baby!" I yelled. "Okay Silver I'm going to have you push when I count to 3. 1..2...3 Push." The doctor said. I pushed as hard as I could. We did this a few more times and I heard a baby cry. I looked up and I could see everyone standing in the room above smiling! "Congradulations you have a beautiful baby girl. Wait I see another head." The doctor said. Wait what? He sees another head? I'm having twins! "Push!!!" The doctor yelled.

I pushed and before I knew it I heard another baby crying. "Congradulations you have a baby boy and girl." The doctor said. I smiled and kissed Justin. "We're parents!" I smiled at him. The doctor rolled me into the room that I was staying in and brought in my beautiful babies. "Justin what are we going to name them?" I asked. "How about Chloe Marie Bieber?" Justin suggested. "I love it." I said with tears in my eyes. "And how about Carson Drew Bieber?" I asked him. "I think that it is perfect." He said and kissed my head. "Here. Take Carson. I want to hold Chloe." I said as I handed Carson to Justin.

Everyone started to come in. "Awwe!!" Everyone said in unision. "What are their names?" Chaz and Selena asked at the same time. Everyone laughed. "Well I am holding Chloe Marie Bieber." I stated as I kissed her forhead. "And I am holding Carson Drew Bieber." Justin said. Everyone awwed again. After everyone got a chance to hold them the doctors came in and took them. After that Justin laid in my hospital bed with me. "Babe we did it. We have 2 beautiful babies." He said. "We did do it. Our kids are going to be raised right. Justin we need to move away from the gang. I am sorry, but I don't want our kids to be raised into that kind of environment. I mean I love the guys and everything, but we have our children to think about now. The house isn't even big enough for all of us." I said.

"I know. I know. It's just going to be so hard to leave the guys. We have all been together since we were little kids. They are going to be devistated when I tell them that we are moving out. Do you know where you want to live? And we are going to have to find a babysitter because all of us have to go to school now." Justin replied. "Yeah I know, but who can we trust with our kids? I mean I'm not going back to school for about a month so we don't have to worry about the first month." I stated.

" Babe we can worry about this when it comes time. Right now you need to get some rest. I love you. Now go to sleep." Justin said as he kissed my forhead, and I drifted into a deep sleep. Chloe Marie Bieber was born May 3, 2013 at 1:34pm. Carson Drew Bieber was born May 3, 2013 at 1:36pm.

************************************************************************************************************Awwe! She had her children. And she named the girl after Chloe! That's so cute. Anyways. I hope that you guys liked this chapter. Comment what you thought. Umm..please vote, and I love you guys so much for reading my book! THANKS GUYS! 2,550 READS!! THAT IS JUST AMAZING! I AM LIKE DYING!!! THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!! <3

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