Chapter 27

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Justin's POV

Today would have been Silver's birthday. She would have been 19 years old. I can't believe she is gone. At least I have Annie to help me out with things.

Vanessa and Selena don't like the fact that I have moved on. They think that it's wrong for me to move on. I can't wait anymore. I have to face the fact that she's gone and never coming back.

The twins are getting so big. Annie seems to get alone great with them. They love her and I know she loves them too. I am so lucky to have found Annie.

A few minutes later Chloe and Carson came running in with Annie chasing them. I couldn't help but smile. "You and the kids are getting along great." I said. She looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah we are. To be honest I know that they're not my kids but I love them as if they're my own." She smiled. "Babe that's so cute. I know that Silver is watching and she would be smiling at what you said. I know she would." I said.

I saw a smile creep on her face and her checks turned bright red. "Thanks babe that means a lot to me. I know that I can never replace Silver, but I will do my best at what I can," she said and pecked my lips.

"Babe I am so glad that you respect the fact that you can't replace Silver in these kids lives and in mine. Thank you," I paused. "What do you think about getting away for a weekend? Maybe going to Hawaii and letting me show you all the places that I took Silver and tell you our memories?"

"Baby that sounds great? Are you going to bring the kids?" She asked while scooting closer to me on the couch. "Umm I think that I am going to because that last time I left to go to Hawaii with Silver we missed them so much and we promised that if we went on a trip again we would take them," I paused and looked at the kids playing. "Is that okay?"

"Babe of course it's okay. I would love to have them there with us. It will be great," she said and hugged me. "I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for bed," "Okay I'll be up later I'm going to spend some quality time with the kids. We never get anytime," I said as she got and walked up the stairs.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to the twins who were playing with their toys Silver got them. They just continued to play. As I was going to say something I heard a knock on the door. I got up and went to the door. When I opened it I saw Jason, Chaz, Christian, and Ryan. After they walked in I went to shut the door but it was pushed open.

"Do you mind?" Vanessa spat as her and Selena walked in. "Well hello to you to," mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear. The girls went straight for the kids. "Hey guys," Selena said. They started playing with them. Then Annie walked down the stairs and into the living room.

I heard Vanessa mumble slut. "Okay that's it I've had enough. You guys need to stop fucking calling Annie all these names. She's my fucking girlfriend and if you can't respect her then get the fuck out of my house," I spat. They looked shocked but not to shocked.

"You know what Justin? Shut the fuck up. How do you think Silver would feel if she knew you were with her? You moved on so fast! How could you just fucking forget about your damn wife? He gave you everything. A life. Two beautiful kids. Everything. And this is how you repay her? Wow. You have a nice way of showing that you loved her," Selena yelled.

"You know what? I do fucking love Silver with all my heart, but she's gone and she's not coming back. I moved in too fast? I waited 3 fucking years! 3! She never came back. She's really gone. There's nothing I can do about it. And yes she would be happy that I moved on! She fucking told me that she wanted me to move on. So the both of you can shut the fuck up. I am so tired of your guys' shit. Annie has never done anything to this family but make us stronger. Annie is an amazing girl and she had made a huge difference in my life since Silver died. You seen me before I met her. I was a fucking train wreck. She pulled me together. So the next time you say some stupid ass shit make sure you think it through," I spat. They sure know how to piss me off.

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