Chapter 22

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Selena's POV

"I'm sorry Chaz, I didn't hear what you said." I replied.
End of recap

"I s-said would you l-like to go..go on a d-date with me?" I heard him ask. "Chaz I would love to." I beamed. "Really!?" He asked shocked. I looked at the beautiful kid in his arms. He is so good with kids. To be honest I wouldn't mind having a family with him, but we aren't together or anything yet so. "Yes Chaz. I would love to." I said.

Chaz's POV

Omfg. Selena just said that she would go on a date with me. And when se was supposed to be thinking her head she was thinking out loud. But Shh..she said that she wouldn't mind having kids with me!

Justin's POV

We just arrived in Hawaii and it was beautiful. We picked the perfect place. As we got to our hotel Silver plopped down on the bed. The suite was huge. It had a balcony that we went out on. As we stood on the balcony I admired the view of the beautiful beach.

"Justin I miss Chloe and Carson." I heard Silver say. "Baby I miss them too, but Chaz and Selena will take good care of them." I said. I can't believe that I am married to the most beautiful girl in the world. I mean I know that we are young but we are in love with each other. I don't know what my life would be like without her and these kids.

"Hey babe, I have a surprise for you. Go get some shorts and tennis shoes on." I said. She looked at me funny before going and doing it.

Silver's POV

Justin said that he had something special for me. I kinda nervous about what it is. I mean I know that it's going to be good, but still. After I put some shorts and tennis shoes on I went to find Justin.

Of course I found Justin sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey babe, are you ready to go?" He asked me. "Yeah." I responded. "Great lets get going." He said as he stood up and grabbed my hand. His hands are so soft. They are just perfect.

As we were driving I turned on the radio and Marry Me by Jason Derulo came on.

"105 is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you. I wake up every morning with you in my bed, and they'd precisely what I plan to do. And you know one of these days when I get my money right but you everything and show you all the finer things in life. We'll forever be in love so there ain't no need to rush, but one day I won't able to ask you loud enough I'll say will you marry me?" I sang. Justin looked at me and laughed.

"What's so funny Bieber?" I asked. "I didn't know that you could sing." He stated. "Nobody does." I mumbled. "Well why not? You're amazing." He said as he reached over and grabbed my hand keeping his eyes on the road. "Actually I'm not. I have heard myself sing plenty of times and I suck." I said. I looked out the window and seen a beautiful volcano. "Wow." Was all I managed to stay. "You like the view?" Justin asked me. Out of the corner of my eye I seen a smile on his face. "Yeah I do." I said.

Before I knew it we were parked and starting to walk towards the volcano. "Wait Justin what are we doing?" I asked him. "What does it look like?" He asked while grabbing my hand and pulling me up to a little ledge. "I don't think that we should be up here." I responded.

I started to get nervous. I don't think we should be up here. What if we get caught? "Babe, chill. Everything is fine." He reassured me. I didn't want to upset him or anything so we just continued up the volcano. 

 As we reached a ledge we stopped. "Justin what are we doing up here?" I asked him. "Just looking at Hawaii." He responded. I don't quite understand. How can we look at Hawaii when we are in Hawaii? As I looked at him I followed his eyes to what they were looking at. Then I realized what he was talking about.

From the ledge that we were standing on you could see everything. It was so beautiful. I felt like I was in a movie. "You know. I am really missing Chloe and Carson." I heard Justin say. I laughed. "Me too." I said. 

Selena's POV

I am really missing Silver. This is like the longest time that we have gone without seeing each other. She is always there for me. I am dying to tell her that Chaz asked me out on a date, but I don't want to call and interupt her and Justin's honeymoon. The kids are doing great. They have gotten a little bigger since they were born. Who am I kidding they have gotten a lot bigger. I can't believe that Silver has all of this.

She has the perfect life. A husband who loves her, two beautiful twins, a big house. She is so lucky. I heard a knock on the door which interupted me from my thoughts. I picked up Chloe and walked to the door to see Chaz holding Carson. 

"Why don't we answer the door together." Chaz said. I nodded. We opened the door and we saw Baili. "What do you want Baili?" I asked. "I want to talk to Silver." She stated. "Sorry she's not here. Come back in about a week." Chaz said. Just as I started to close the door she pushed it open. "Oh my god. Are those her kids?" She yelled. "Yeah they are. Now we have to go." I said. 

"No wait can I hold her?" She asked refurring to Chloe. "No sorry you can't. You have to have permission from Silver." I said. "Okay I understand." She said and with that I shut the door.

"Well that was awkward." Chaz said. I laughed. "I agree." Without anything else being said we went and gave the kids a bath.

***********************************************************************************************************************Authors Note!

Sorry that I haven't updated. I have been having writers block, but once I listened to Mistletoe it all went away. Anyways, don't forget PYD COMES OUT SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT!!!!! COME ON GUYS LETS MAKE JUSTIN PROUD!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3

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