Chapter 31

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Silver's POV

It's been about a week and Justin is still in the hospital. I don't know what to do. As I was drifting into a sleep I heard something on his monitor. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. Tears filled my eyes as I ran into the hallway screaming for help.

For some reason nobody came. That's it. He's gone now. No. No. No. This can't be happening to me. Justin how could you leave me like this. We need you here. God why did you take him? Why didn't you take me? Please give him back to me. I need him.

3 weeks later

I looked in the mirror at my outfit once again. The black dress suited me well. As we all arrived at the cemetery I felt tears in my eyes. After 10 minutes it was time for my speech. I got up on the stand and looked at all the people out there. All of them sitting in the crowd. Christian and the kids stuck out to me the most.

"He was a wonderful man. I can't believe that he is gone. We were supposed to be together forever. The worst part isn't that he's gone, but the fact that the last things I said to him were you don't love me and we need to take a break. Now he's gone. If I would have stayed with him none of this would have happened. I'm so sorry I can't do this." I said as I ran off the stand and just ran.

After the funeral was over we all went back to mine and Justin's house. All except for Kyle. He said that he had something to do. We all sat there and had small talk for a while. "Silver I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much he meant to you. Trust me he knows that you love him." Someone that I don't even know said.

"I have to go to his mothers house." I mumbled to myself but I guess everyone else heard. "What no don't." Chaz said. "Chaz she deserves to know that he isn't missing. He's dead and she needs to know that she has a daughter in law and some grand kids. There's nothing that you can say or do that will make me change my mind." I said as I walked out the door with my keys.

I got in the car and drove over to Justin's moms house. Am I really going to do this? Yes. I walked up to the door and knocked. After a few minutes a beautiful woman answered. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Yeah umm..are you Pattie Mallette?" I asked. "Yeah that's me. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Umm it's about your son." I said. She looked surprised. "Justin? Oh my god. Have you seen him? Is he here?" She asked as she started looking everywhere. "Wow this is going to be harder than I thought," I mumbled. "I'm your daughter in-law." I said.

"Wait you mean to say that my baby boy got married?" She asked. I nodded. "Please come in." She said I did as she said. We sat on the couch. "Pattie I'm so sorry. Justin was recently in a car accident. He didn't make it. I just got back from his funeral." I cried. She came and hugged me tight.

"Honey I'm so sorry." She said. "I think that you should come over tomorrow and meet your grandchildren." I said. She got a huge smile on her face. "I have grandchildren?" She cheered. "I want to see them today. Please." She pleaded. I agreed and she followed me home.

When we walked in the door everyone's jaw dropped. I called the kids over and they came running. "Guys this is your grandma," I said and I saw a smile appear on all of their faces. "This is Chloe and this is Carson. They are both 3." I finished.

Pattie started to cry. "I missed so much of his life. And theirs. I'm so sorry. I can't believe that they are 3." She said. "Pattie stop. It's fine. You thought that he was missing it's not your fault." I said while rubbing her back.

"These are all of his friends. Guys this is Pattie his mother." I introduced everyone.

1 month later

Kyle's POV

"Everything is going great nobody suspects anything." I whispered in the phone. "Great we need to keep it that way. I can't have Silver or anyone else find out. I did what was needed. She can't find out that I'm alive. It will ruin everything. Make sure she doesn't suspect anything. If she does call me and tell me." He said into the phone. "You got it man. I gotta go somebody's coming." I said and hung the phone up.

Jason's POV

"Hey man who were you talking to on the phone?" I asked Kyle. "Oh it was nobody man. Let's get back down to Silver and the kids." He said. Why won't he tell me who he was talking to? I will find out one way or another. Just wait.

Vanessa's POV

Silver is coping with the loss of Justin very well. I think it's because she has all of us to take her mind off of things. We are always here if she needs anything. "Hey babe, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jason asked me. I nodded and got off the couch and followed him into the other room.

"What is it babe?" I asked him as I sat on the kitchen counter. "Kyle. He was on the phone with somebody and he won't tell me who. He tells me everything. He's hiding something and I'm gonna find out what it is. We have to make a plan to get him phone from him." Jason whispered.

"Well do you have any idea on what we are going to do to get his phone?" I asked. He shook his head. Great. He wants me to come up with a plan. Okay I can do this. "Just follow my lead." I said as we walked back into the living room.

"Hey Kyle mind if I sit with you?" I asked. He shook his head and I sat down. I watched him set his phone on the arm of the chair. I reached over and grabbed the remote knocking over a drink. The drink got all over him.

"Oh my god. Kyle I'm so sorry. Why don't you go get cleaned up I'll take care of this." I said as he got up leaving him phone on the arm of the chair. I grabbed it and we went into a bedroom and closed the door. Jason pressed the call button and we waited.

"Yo man. What is it? Hello?" I recognized the voice. We ended the call. "Is that?" I asked. Jason nodded. "What are we going to do?" I panicked. "Keep it to ourselves. Nobody can know. We obviously aren't supposed to know so keep it quiet." Jason barked.

Silver's POV

I wonder what that was about. Oh well. Vanessa and Jason came out of the bedroom. "We ummm...have to go. Sorry bye." Vanessa yelled as her and Jason ran out the door. I looked at everyone and they shrugged. "Well that was weird." I mumbled and everyone laughed.

Kyle came back out and asked where is phone was. We all shrugged. "Where the fuck is my phone?!" Kyle yelled. "Where's Jason and Vanessa?" He asked. "They said they had to go." I said. "Shit shit shit!!!" Kyle yelled as he grabbed his keys and ran towards the door, but Ryan Christian stopped him.

"Bro what the fuck is going on?" Christian asked. "I can't tell you. I'm sorry, but I promised. I won't break this promise. It's too serious. I have to go!" He said and ran out the door. What the fuck is going on?


Authors note.

Okay guys there's one more chapter left. Idk if I'm going to make a sequel. Comment what you think. Should I or no?

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